So the base station for my outdoor cam bricked with the firmware issues that seems to be common: solid yellow LED, no connection to network, camera offline. Power cycles and attempting to use the reset button don’t work.
I contacted support and they said that the cam/base station is past warranty, have a nice day. Which kind of irks me. It bricked because of Wyze themselves, not due to anything else,
Does anyone know of any hacks or things I can do to try to resurrect it? They don’t have firmware online anymore, so does someone have an older working firmware they can share? Third-party firmware? Other ideas?
Welcome to the forum @azog.thoth
Sorry to hear your WCO base is not working. Do you have a ticket number from support that you could share please.
Can’t you rollback the firmware, similar to how you can rollback the camera firmware? Download a previous version of the firmware, put it on a freshly formatted sd card, and power cycle the base station while holding down the button on base station ?
WYZE removed the ability to download any versions of the base firmware from the release notes. Files for the cameras are still there.
Omg u wrote my forum. But mine went out of warranty while waiting for them and dealing with them for 7 months. Pissed
What does this matter? I have 5 tickets. They don’t do a damn bit of good.
Sorry to hear of the experience you have had @rhondaspobox ,
I have asked for the OP’s ticket number in attempts to assist in their support needs.
While I do not work for Wyze, I am a community volunteer that can provide some additional assistance to Wyze forum members.
If you would like to provide me with your details and support ticket numbers, I would like to do my best to assist you as well.
Thank You
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