Away automation won't work

I set up an away automation that triggers my indoor camera to turn-on from privacy mode when I’m moving 500 ft away from my home. I have another that turn it off when I’m back within 500ft from my home. It never worked one single time. The setup is pretty straightforward… I don’t know what else to do…

Someone can help me with that?

I have the same automation and it works about 90% of the time. Not sure if it is phone GPS issue or Wyze.

I tried the GPS ringfencing and it drained my phone battery like crazy. Just went to manual tapping the buttons and that seems to be reliable.

If you want to keep using GPS make sure you’ve given it access to “precise” location.

I just realized that my location was on “when using the app”. Switched it to “all the time” …
It was on precise location…
I’ll see if it did the trick.

I’ll keep you posted.


Yeah that should do it, assuming you weren’t keeping the app in the foreground constantly it won’t work in that mode.

However, your battery use will probably go up significantly now, keep an eye on it and see if it is worth it. In my case I can usually go 2 days on a single charge and with that enabled it would have taken me to less than a day.

That is correct, it drains the battery like crazy. I have it set “while using the app” as I only need it at the cottage. I turn it to “always” when I head there as it turns notifications based on me entering or exiting the property. Still, it only works 90% of the time. It is more accurate when I enter the property. less when I exit.

Nope… It didn’t change anything… Although it says it worked in the logs, well, only one time that it says it worked. But it was the day I was monitoring if the change I made were working so… I know it didn’t since the camera remained closed… I don’t know… I got a pixel 6 pro… Up to date… The cameras too…

Go into the wyze app in system settings and make sure it is set to the highest battery mode. Others will put it to sleep.

You may need to enable “running in background” in the app options but from what I recall I didn’t have to.

I tried everything but nothing is working… I need to start it by hand…