the iphone catagory I chose doesnt apply, but it forced me to choose something
after finding a need for video from 4 weeks ago which I cant get due to the age, it made me wonder if there is a way to automate weekly backups from the SD cards to a computer or NAS drive.
I would just like to have eack cameras card backed up weekly without any input from me. Is this possible?
Unfortunately you cannot access the SD card files directly without pulling it out and putting in a PC. I believe I saw a wishlist topic asking for direct access, but it doesn’t seem like it has gained any traction. I believe the old Wyze Mini Hacks used to give you SFTP access to the SD card, but unfortunately even the cams that were able to run that firmware (like the v3) don’t work with it well anymore as they’ve added more security to them which prevents it from accessing what it needs to.
The main option people have been going with is using something like Wyze Bridge in a docker container running on the NAS to record video to the NAS, at which point you’re only limited by the size of your NAS. At that point the SD card may not even be needed anymore, but can’t hurt to leave it in there as a backup.
Yeah, dave27 meant that Docker Wyze Bridge would allow OP to record to an NAS or local harddrive and then have remote access to the stored event recordings from Wyze cams on local storage like is the core request OP was really hoping for. So even though it won’t give access to the SD card remotely, it would still give access to the recordings remotely, which is the objective.
I actually do this with my primary Wyze cams.
Another option is just to get a bigger SD card. They sell up to 2TB SD cards now. That would hold more than 222 days worth of 24/7 recordings. If you switched the card to only record events, it might hold YEARS worth of recordings.
Another option, which I do not suggest and will not expand on…you could technically download and install an OLD firmware into the Wyze cam. Some of the old firmware actually allowed people to connect to the SD card remotely if you were on the same local network/router (nobody could access it outside of your secure network). I never understood why people were freaking about this and considered it a “Vulnerability” that needed to be “fixed” and patched, but Wyze was forced to stop allowing it and newer firmware doesn’t allow it anymore, and they’re unlikely to ever allow it now that people were spazzing out about it in the past. I mean, it seems like common sense…if you don’t trust someone on your home network, then either don’t allow them on your home network, or force them onto the guest network with device isolation. Problem solved. Who gives someone access to their home network that they don’t trust? And if you do, you have WAY bigger problems than them looking at past camera videos. That person is probably stealing all your passwords and financial data and won’t even care about your SD card. But whatever, people love any excuse to spaz out and complain, so that option no longer exists.
Wish this was still possible (access the SD card on the network). I believe the wyze hacks allowed this too using SFTP or something. But I think all those firmwares can no longer authenticate to wyze? Or maybe the RTSP specific one can, which I guess would eliminate the need for Wyze Bridge if you have native RTSP on the cam.
Yeah, some of the security updates broke SOME of the features of the SD card firmware hacks. They were really cool. Wyze discussed it in an AMA and said they didn’t break those features on purpose, which is why parts of them still work, some parts just weren’t compatible with security updates they needed to make, and the security updates were more important.
I recall another discussion here where the mini hacks still allowed the SSH server with the newer firmware, possibly the SFTP also. But it caused the LED to always be red and some other quirks.