Checked the AQI on the App and it showed my indoor AQI was 12 (number inside the circle), showed it updated 7 minutes ago, yet the display on my purifier never went higher than 5 AQI. There is obviously some inaccuracy going on. Is the App wrong or is the Purifier display wrong?
I have two air purifiers and I have the exact same symptoms. If I unplug and plug them in the app and the display on the air purifier will match generally. And the first time there is a spike in the air quality index on the purifier, that will show the same rise as expected. However when the air purifier AQI drops back to a low number the app AQI never drops back to match. The only way I found a reset it was to unplug the air purifier and plug it back in.
Two years later and Wyze still hasn’t fixed it. Why am I not surprised. The app doesn’t show real time data like the AQI number on the Air Purifier. I forget how many minutes the lag is, but there is a lag.
The other day my Air Purifier got really loud and the AQI showed it was around 60, then it would drop to 30 and back up again. Nothing had changed in that room, so I couldn’t figure out what was causing it. Normally it might do this when vacuuming, as that would kick up particles but this time it just went nuts on its own. The only thing I could think of was maybe the port where the laser emits out of the back was dusty, so I clean that area. That may have been it because it’s been fine for days now.
I haven’t seen that problem but if someone it smoking or similar it will jump up until the air is cleared and then return to normal as expected. I have been testing it more and I think the problem may be in the app to purifier communications. When I first connect it all is matching even rises and falls to the AQI. But after maybe a minute the app stops updating the count so it might just be bad communications system. It is strange since when I got the purifiers I didn’t see this problem just with the new app.