@wstt Will you submit a log for that camera and create a support ticket (ie: by email), and then let me know their response and post the log number and support ticket number here? There is definitely something wrong and abnormal happening with your FLv2.
The reason I asked you to post your support ticket and log numbers here even though you would be talking to support anyway, is that I would like to see if we can pass that information on to one of the devs we trust and see if he can find something obvious going on. I can’t promise he will respond publicly, or any ETA or anything, but I would still like to pass it on for his review and see if they can figure out what might be going on and work on a fix, because I agree that this thing is not working the way it should be.
Mostly I am curious what Support will tell you, but it’s okay if they are not able to do much. I mostly want the ticket and log so I can get your important info on to a dev who can hopefully find something even if he can’t/doesn’t share it publicly (though sometimes he does). I think your situation has become obviously worth pushing up to him. This guy has fixed more things than anyone here will ever know. I was hoping we’d first get SOMEONE else on here confirming the same thing, but if you were able to get it to resolve and then disappear again, I think that log might help show something important, so I’m ready to try to pass some info onto him as soon as support responds to you.
Really seems like some sort of wifi or upload bandwidth issue. Can you confirm that both events and notifications aren’t working? I.e. even if you don’t get a notification, is there an event properly logged in the app?
if both aren’t working, really points to a possible backlog of submissions for analysis.
If you leave the camera off for an hour or so then turn it back on, does it work again briefly? Is there a lot of “other motion” in view that is potentially causing a lot of stuff to get uploaded?
It’s definitely not WiFi or upload issue. I am not talking about alerts, (which could be upload issues). I am talking about even an event being created.
If you see my video if I turn on “all motion” events, . events and notifications happen immediately., but events are not labeled as person or vehicle. If I turn off all motion events and just have smart events selected, I get no events.
Don’t smart events happen at the camera level?
To turn the camera off, because it is hardwired because it’s a floodlight, I have to turn the circuit breaker off so when I do so I only turn it off for 20 seconds. And yes, then a smart event works briefly, but then stopped working after a few minutes.
If you are using smart detections, it requires internet analysis to even create an event, it isn’t only for notiications.
Which supports that it is an issue with your internet upload or wifi.
Which also supports the theory that you’re building up a backlog of some sort due to lots of motion that has to get uploaded and analyzed. Either that or possibly something like beamforming being enabled on your router causing it to initially get a strong wifi signal then lose it when other devices have more demand. But if that was the case, I’d expect it to have issues sending you notifications for non-smart events, but who knows, the lower bandwidth there may be able to keep up with those.
Have you tried the “reset services” in the app like was mentioned previously?
I don’t understand what submitting logs actually submits. Does it just submit the last few minutes of data or submits tons of days of data? I created a ticket complaining about this and got nowhere with support. They basically said just hope it’s fixed in a future firmware update but couldn’t say if this was happening to anyone else.
I have submitted logs several times. I just submitted more today and the log is: Log ID: 1715095.
The case I submitted like a week+ ago and spoke to support is Wyze Ticket 4205068
The logs I submitted a few days before that were *Your log ID number is.1705081.
I have reset services and rebooted the camera several times.
I don’t think it’s a connection issue bc I used to have a v3 cam and then V3 pro cam in the same exact location and had zero problems. It is 20 fee from 2 separate google mesh routers. It shows 2/3 in signal strength under device info. And if I do speed test on my phone while right there, I get upland and download of: 110/19.6.
I don’t think it’s a connection issue bc I used to have a v3 cam and then V3 pro cam in the same exact location and had zero problems. It is 20 feet from 2 separate google mesh routers. It shows 2/3 in signal strength under device info. And if I do speed test on my phone while right there, I get upland and download of: 110/19.6.
If your phone (a multi stream device with much better wifi chipset) can only upload 19.6, there could certainly be a limitation going on that is affecting the cam. Cam might be getting a small fraction of that bandwidth.
That could be your issue. Your mesh has way too much overlap if the nodes are at most 40 feet apart.
So here’s an update. I finally got it working but with another Wyze floodlight cam v2. I am wondering if the following was the problem.
I recall someone saying it sounds like a connectivity problem or a backlog so smart events aren’t getting analyzed.
Here’s the story. I bought the floodlight camera but the center mounting screw wouldn’t go into their bracket. (I’ve seen others have had this problem). The threads were off. I asked Wyze to send me a new screw and metal bracket and they just sent me a new camera as they said they couldn’t send just the screw. They had asked for the MAC address of my one that needed a new screw. When I got the new camera I just used the screw from it to mount the first camera which was already set up. Is it possible since they didn’t ask for the first one back they disabled its connectivity to the servers so that’s why it wouldn’t generate or detect smart events? Motion events worked fine but never any smart events. I wish Wyze had told me this, if this is the case. Even support couldn’t figure it out.
Seems pretty likely that they may have disabled it, many other IOT brands do that (Amazon devices won’t even function at all if you get a warranty replacement). I don’t know for sure though. Would seem odd if you were able to play back the “other motion” clips from the cloud fine, and it was showing attached to your account, etc. If it was blacklisted you’d think it wouldn’t have any Plus features.
Could be the original cam just had a bad/not 100% working wifi chipset or something else in it.