An update regarding Person Detection

Yes. HomeKit requirements are strict. You said that Apple was going to treat Wyze unfairly. I say…really? Apple is going to pick on Wyze? Hardly.

It seems as though the Community Guidelines may not have been followed recently on this topic.

In this situation, the moderators’ instructions are to temporarily close the comments and to call in a Wyze employee. The Wyze employee may open comments again after they have a chance to review this thread.


This is an important topic due to this being the announcement about person detection being removed so we’re going to open this thread again. But a couple of comments have been removed. Please be kind to your fellow community members and check out the Community Guidelines that @Loki linked if you haven’t gone through them yet.

Sometimes humor doesn’t translate well in text or somebody misses something. That’s okay! These situations can be frustrating to resolve when we’re in the middle of them but please be respectful in your replies.

If you feel like a conversation is spiraling, you are welcome to flag it so that we can help smooth things over if you would like. :slight_smile:


You know what, Wyze…I love you for being you. I know I’m not alone. You have some passionate fans. And…we can’t wait to try your own version of person detection software.
You made an excellent choice, partnering with XNOR.AI. But, they left. It wasn’t you. It was them.
You will be better without them. It will just take a little bit of time. This is the hard part.


Thank you very much. :slight_smile:

We understand why people are frustrated by this situation. We didn’t expect the partnership to end so early and this has impacted our customers. I can say that I am personally VERY excited about what I’ve been hearing about our AI version. :grin:


??? source??

Here’s one reference:


Here is another stating that they could not get the exception.


I didn’t buy the wyze cams just for the person detection, i went wyze for many other good reasons. i’m sure wyze will come out great from this situation , i’m not worried ,They still work a charm.
The only thing i would like now to be integrated is the option to control detection time for notifications, i would like to be able to set it at a minimum of 1 to 3 seconds before it triggers false alarms. Can be done via APP, that woukld be a no brainer for person detection!!


the short:

Please allow option to keep the new non-person_detection firmware as it is now. (for playback performance and stability reason)

I got all the playback (SD card and cloud) performance back with less crashes since the new “old” firmware.

the long…


1: Even without ‘person detection’ activated, there were playback performance issues since the it was introduced, Since the removal of the ‘person detection’ feature, my camera plays back from SD card (time scrubbing) and WYZE cloud much faster and without crashes on all my devices. Whether it’s a software bug or hardware resource issue, it has made my cameras and others I’ve setup for much less useful at important playback scenarios in the past few months since the “edge A.I.” feature was introduced. There are about 4 issues, and they fixed 1 after I submitted a bug report. That’s great, but now all of it has been fixed in the current non-person_detection firmware.

2, I would like to keep these extra processing and features away from the edge device and move it to the cloud or some larger central system (local hub/gateway). Since the WYZE camera/light system is cloud dependent for notifications and recording, It makes more sense to make a scalable A.I. processing option that’s not hardware limited and work with all the devices (lights, sensors, etc).

other thoughts
The only “free” feature should be security and stability, and that a lot to ask for in today’s IOT situation already. Sell sustainable service: stability and security, then micro features? hybrid model and power users? Create a “beta” program for “free” features? I like the free “time limited” features like the recent recording time.

I am not against the Persons Detection features, and can see it as very useful. In fact even more useful if was marked into the full recording,

Also, I would gladly pay if you made a PRO/Business version and a Gateway/IOT HUB and have it centralize sync with WYZE cloud, while keeping the current high performance of the cameras intact.


I think this is the first time I’ve seen relationship breakup lines applied to a business relationship. Please Wyze don’t rebound by partnering with Bing or Huawei :rofl:.


There’s a PBS series on computers, Gary Kildall is mentioned. Was afraid to sign a non disclosure agreement with the IBM reps. Lost the deal.

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Appreciate the honesty and being forthright about this issue. I’m a new user and have had a great experience so far.

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For real. You wouldn’t want all that protection?! Lol what?

What are you even talking about? Lol. Can you name even a single feature that they’ve taken away and charged us for? They’re literally one if the most transparent, customer focused, companies out there! You’re definitely taking what they provide for granted. No other camera on the market provided this feature set/compatibly at this price point


The advantage to edge AI would be privacy and security.

I cannot authoritatively say how the video streaming currently works, but in an ideal situation, it would be encrypted, and no Wyze employee nor contractor would have access to keys that could decrypt it. In this way, you maintain perfect forward secrecy. You would also require the person detection solution to be local to the end-user device (read: your smartphone or tablet), such that the computation could be completed prior to uploading the encrypted video to Wyze server infrastructure.

Clearly, since the updated solution may be server-side, it’s reasonable to presume that Wyze’s architecture allows them to review camera video. This is less than ideal, as an internal or external malicious actor could gain access to said videos.

That’s the chance we all take, and need to individually evaluate when buying into an ecosystem such as this.

Since the AI announcement , I have avoided upgrading my WyzeCams. Frankly, I don’t know how much I am missing out. I am currently at To paraphrase The Clash, should I stay or should I go?

Thanks for having transparency in your changelogs, I will keep the current firmware because the only notifications I get are persons outside my house, everything else I am just sifting through the timeline to see.

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