Can someone tell me what this is?
I thought we had person detection when we buy the camera. This article is talking about if anyone is a beta tester for the person detection, but then it’s going away?
I’m not understanding this
Can someone tell me what this is?
I thought we had person detection when we buy the camera. This article is talking about if anyone is a beta tester for the person detection, but then it’s going away?
I’m not understanding this
We haven’t had Person Detection for over a year unless you have been a beta tester.
how the heck do I know if I’m a beta tester? I never signed up for anything. I just bought my v2 camera and set it up by zones and saw the word person in the settings and it enabled it. So you are saying that this camera is a tester and wyze does not have person detection? why would they do that? isn’t wyze the only camera that will eliminate person detection?
This is the fist time that I’m knocking down wyze. lol
Then you’re not a beta tester.
WYZE had Person Detection for a few months that worked within the camera. The company that supplied that technology, Xnor, was sold to Apple so WYZE had to stop using it.
WYZE then started working on an in-house replacement that runs on their servers rather than in the camera. Only beta testers have had this version, referred to as Person Detection (Pilot).
So, non-beta users have been without PD for a while now.
I ordered my camera on 9/2 and now on 9/25 I still have person detection. so you’re saying after this month I will not have it anymore? Sounds like from reading your response that they are working on person detection because the server they were using was bought out? well they should have used their own servers to begin with to avoid all this; that’s why I keep hearing negative comments about the wyze camera about this feature. shame on them
so if someone breaks into my car or tries to get into my house.; they will not be detected. I better think again about getting more cameras then
Your timing was bad in a way. You’ll have about a month of free Person Detection.
The Person Detection (Pilot) came out of beta at the first of September when app version 2.13 was released. I wasn’t sure of that. It still shows as Person Detection (Pilot).
It will not be available to customers who signed up after Nov. 2019 or to older customers who don’t join the Pay What You Want program by Oct. 6.
You can still sign up for the Cam Plus subscription which gives you Person Detection.
No, not the server the company that owned the Person Detection software.
Xnor was essentially using WYZE cameras to perfect their product then sold the product to Apple. Not sure why WYZE allowed themselves to be used. It lead to some embarrassment for them.
Yes they will be detected. The cameras still detect and notify on motion and sound events.
If I get 3 cameras, do I need to pay for person detection on all 3?
Yes, with Cam Plus.
No, not the server the company that owned the Person Detection software.
Xnor was essentially using WYZE cameras to perfect their product then sold the product to Apple. Not sure why WYZE allowed themselves to be used. It lead to some embarrassment for them.
It sure did. They should never have done that, this makes for very angry customers too.
I’ve had “person” detection for 2 years! ??? Something is not right.
The only way you had it for the past 8 months is if you were beta testing.
now that get to be expensive. but if you say that even without person detection, people can still be picked up because of movement. maybe I won’t need it, or just use it on the important camera
Never signed up to be a beta tester. Why would a company impose that on their customers without their consent?
They don’'t. You would have had to sign up for it.
Well that’s not true. I never signed up for anything and yet I have had free person detection all along. I assume it will go away soon if I don’t sign up for the Name Our Price Expedient.
If I remember correctly Person Detection while still in beta was brought to the production app and anyone could turn it on knowing that Person Detection itself was still in the beta process.
I have always used the beta version of the app / firmware snd have seen WYZE post that PD was beta only. I guess I assumed that meant only available to beta versions of the app.
It’s no wonder non-beta testers are confused.
What version of the app are you using? It looks old.