Getting a little late in the day, but let’s everyone join to wish a Happy Third Anniversary at Wyze to community manager @UserCustomerGwen! Our Wyze Community Forum would not be the same without xer.
Happy 3rd anniversary Gwendolyn!
Thank you for all you do here!!!
Happy Anniversary @UserCustomerGwen !
We may bark and whine at times but we really appreciate all you do!
Thanks @UserCustomerGwen for your work shepherding us users, inquirers, and cranks. Well done.
Thanks for all and happy anniversary!
Party time!
WhooHoo Happy Third Anniversary @UserCustomerGwen !!!
Aww!!! Okay, @NumberOne can confirm that I started crying on the Zoom call when I saw this. Thank you, everyone! There’s no place I’d rather be.
Happy Anniversary!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY @UserCustomerGwen you are one special kind of person
Happy 3rd Anniversary to the best Cat Herder around!
Happy anniversary @UserCustomerGwen! What would we do without you…
I have the biggest, sappiest smile on my face. Thank you all!
Happy Anniversary Gwendolyn !! …and many more too!
You have been a true priceless asset to your company !
Thank you for all your help !
Happy anniversary @UserCustomerGwen!!!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! You are the glue that holds this all together!
Happy Anniversary @UserCustomerGwen!!!
Happy anniversary @UserCustomerGwen! You’ve been a huge help with all of my questions over the years! I appreciate you!
Happy late anniversary! . Thanks for everything that you do around here! We all appreciate your help and cheerful attitude!