An alternative

I am a staunch supporter of Wyze products, and am mostly happy with the cameras.
My smart home is a mix of Hubitat Elevation and Tuya from AliExpress.
I found this Tuya camera and couldn’t pass it up for the price.

It arrived today, and linked to my Tuya app quickly.
Local SD storage, can be toggled between events and continuous.
Pan and tilt, pinch and zoom.
I mistakenly ordered the camera with the EU plug, but that can be swapped easily or any 12VDC 2A wall wart will work.

This is the 5MP model. I have the 8MP US plug model ordered.

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Impressive 2K pan cam for so cheap, even with the new Tariffs in effect now. It says auto tracking AI Human detection. Does the pan camera track motion, or ONLY humans? I’ve long been telling Wyze I hate motion tracking on pan cameras and they need to do AI tracking only or pan cameras are almost worthless to me.

Interesting that it’s cheaper if you get the EU plug instead of the US plug.

I like Hubitat Elevation :heart_eyes: I don’t use mine much anymore now that I use Home Assistant, but I highly support Hubitat. I have a lot of Tuya IoT stuff too. It’s hard to beat IoT prices from Aliexpress, etc. I know some people are staunchly Anti-China based stuff. I recently blocked all connections on my network to/from China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Nigeria etc…too many hacking attempts coming through those countries lately (I acknowledge hackers in those countries can use a VPN to come from elsewhere, and I suspect a lot of the hacking from those countries’ IPs, isn’t even necessarily from people in those countries, but a lot of hackers like to use VPNs in some of those countries since many of them won’t cooperate with Western countries…so they can be US hackers using China IP addresses to attack US Networks for example…but I just block all the countries with the most hacking attempts).

So, I don’t mind Chinese made stuff, or Tuya stuff, or Chinese companies, but when I started blocking China IPs, I do get concerned that I might make China products stop working if they don’t have a US based server. :thinking:

There is an 8MP and 5MP model. This is the 5MP model. The 8MP model should be here in a few days. I haven’t tested it fully so I don’t know about people detection.

Yeah, I saw. Basically 4K for not much more.

I wonder how much compression they use, what the bitrate is, and whether they support RTSP at all.

That’s one reason I haven’t really pushed Wyze for 4K stuff, because they just compress it and use low bit rates to make it pointless anyway. At a certain point, if the compression and bit rate aren’t changed, then 4K or higher is basically just a gimmick. Sometimes even 2K If the compression and bit rate are an issue.

A few observations.
No Timelapse capability.
No starlight sensor
Cam goes offline even though the app states the wifi is 60%

Here is a view from a Wyze v3

Here is the view from the Tuya cam with night vision off

Here is the Tuya with night vision on

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What do you mean? You don’t have these on the V3 or you disabled them?

Your top photo looks like night vision is on, to me.

My v3 with night vision on with good lighting.

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No. Those were caveats of the Tuya camera

Here is a cloudy day view from the Tuya

Here is the same view from the Wyze v3

Another caveat - the Tuya is also 2G only.

I share this Wyze cam with the neighbors across the street.

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Definitely a difference in clarity and zoom.

One important thing I forgot to mention. The cameras may require a Tuya hub. I already had the hub, and quite a few switches and devices connected so adding the cameras was easy.

Edit : my Tuya hub has nothing to do with the cameras. The cameras connect directly to my router through WiFi 2.4 GHz

Edit 2. You have the choice of event recording or continuous recording, but not both.

There is no ‘person detection’.

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