Allow user customization of camera actions toolbar

[Mod Note]: This is a compendium of multiple wishlist topics related to allowing users to define/customize the camera actions toolbar located under the live stream area in the Wyze app. Users should be provided the means to enable/disable the display of each toolbar icon and set the preferred display order of icons.

Wyze Cam Pan 3; option to disable camera actions or rearrange camera actions buttons

I would like there to be an option to disable or at the very least to have the option to rearrange the button’s that control the different camera actions, these buttons show up on the bottom of the screen when viewing the cameras live feed, here’s a list of the different camera features these buttons control: SD card, take photo, record, privacy mode, siren, track motion, pan scan.

For me personally, adding this option is crucial and very important because I use these for security purposes, I’m using android and view the live feeds of my wyze cameras on my phone through the wyze app. Currently, when you go to view the live feed of a camera, these buttons pop up on the very bottom of the screen, they show up right above the phones navigation button’s which are used used to open recent apps, go to home page or go back to previous screen and are used to exit the wyze app. The way the layout is right now, the cameras privacy activation button is right by the home or recent app navigation buttons, also these camera feature buttons always pop up in the same order and same area when viewing the live feed, and I have had many occurrences where I go to view the live feed, these buttons pop up on the bottom of the screen, and when I am finished and want to leave the wyze app by pressing the phones home button or back button, sometimes i accidentally press the privacy mode activation button without realizing it since it’s always positioned right above the recent apps or back navigation buttons, and when I come back to view motion events that were recorded, I am met with a message stating that “camera is in privacy mode” and find out the camera hasn’t been recording anything the whole time since i left the app which can be up to a whole day long. I check my cameras motion recorded events if something happens and when i need to view footage to find out what time something occured or when or if a package was ever delivered and other time’s i view the live feed which i would check more often if I’m expecting a delivery or expecting someone, but otherwise I’m using it as a security camera to record any motion on my property, and to know what’s going on if anything ever happens then i would have video a recording. This is a serious problem when you rely on your cameras for security and surveillance purposes, only to be completely let down and find out that the whole day the camera has been in privacy mode while i thought it was recording, it’s definitely an overlooked app design flaw or screen layout issue, which makes the service unreliable and a high security vulnerability. When you view live feed you can’t change what order the button appears and when holding your phone, a person’s thumbs naturally rest by the bottom of the screen either where a keyboard pops up or by the phone’s navigation buttons, when the wyze camera control buttons appear while viewing live feed, my thumb many times hovering over the pan privacy mode as well, so either i sometimes press it without noticing as I’m trying to press the back navigation button or prees the privacy mode with my thumb or palm while I’m clicking to turn my phone screen off which is the power button on the side of my phone, on the same side where the privacy mode button is, so its very easy to active it and without being able to deactivate different features such as privacy mode or at least have the option to rearrange the buttons, then im left with a service i pay monthly for and also spent money on to buy cameras, which are unreliable in the way I’m using them for security of my property. I added a screen shot of where the buttons are located.

Make siren icon/button easier to access/trigger (applies to all siren-enabled cam types)

There are too many steps to go through to get to the siren in a quick emergency and suggesting that you make a way to add it in the shortcuts bar on top of main page. Also being able to add it as an action on a device trigger would help as well. Seems like the way it is now that it’s buried too deep, with too many steps to effectively have any use…!

Yeah, quickly trigger the siren when you see your friends arrive :grin:

Yes, please, the siren MUST be used like alarm…!!
Not only a button panic…!
It is more eficiente like acting in way alarm…
There are many Cams sinlgle and vendor like Hikvision, EzViz and many generics brands that using he double way Alarm Notification, and me suggest to add that function all products is give a new command for activate the siren under the conditions of trigger…

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They added this feature but on an outdoor cam on a windy day it keeps going off!!!

Hi, well, the idea is get more and better ways of functions in all products Wyze, obviously the siren not be for all people or all ambients, but is like the Insurance, better have it than not…and to me the better idea is add that sound (of siren) to Wyze C2 and Cam Pan… thanks

any idea when the siren feature to be triggered automatically on motion, will be available?

Welcome Alain. The siren trigger (siren control in Rules) was rolled out in production v3 firmware release (March 29, 2021).


Thanks Team,
Its Feel good adding that very good option with that idea we gave you to wyze…!! Yeah.!

It would help we users if it were made more obvious where the “More Menu” option is so we can find the siren icon, for instance. Explaining to us that the three circles in the rectangular area of the camera viewing screen is where the “More Menu” options are is fairly clear.

[Mod Note]: Your request was merged to this topic for consistency in grouping similar requests. Please remember to scroll up to the top and click the VOTE button. You may also wish to comment on and/or vote for Menu conformity.

Please someone, explain why Wyze is unable to add a loud siren to their Home Security System? It is a product addiction most Security system companies offer

Add Disable cam siren feature to App

I do not want the siren!!!


ditto. also really want to permanently disable the siren for now. been reading here in the forum about sirens randomly going off even if no rule was set up. really disconcerting to read about.

just a while ago tonight, when doing a quick looksee at the cams at our other house, saw a note pop up in the wyze app on one my v3 cams with a spotlight that asked to start a siren tutorial. wtf? siren tutorial??? nope. don’t want to click any siren tutorial. so this prompted me to visit the forum here to see recent discussions about this siren nonsense. ugh. me have wyze cams at two houses and my concern is sirens somehow going off in the middle of the night at the other house where i’m not at and my getting a call about that and requiring me to drive late at night to get to the other house to shut it off by unplugging the cams. geez, this is making me think that now need to buy wifi plugs to put on all my cams to kill the cams in case this happens. argh.


PanV3 siren to easy to turn on accidentally

I use the “Privacy Mode” icon frequently on my new PANv3. It’s right next to the “Siren” icon and it’s only a matter of time before I accidentally activate the siren near the baby. I really don’t want this to happen. Wish there was a way I could LOCK THE SIREN OFF.


Here is a TearDown video of a v3. Should be easy to remove the siren or clip the wire if you are comfortable enough taking the camera apart.


I had the above video bookmarked because I have v3 cameras. Looks like the OP has Pan v3. Here is the TearDown video for the Pan v3.

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Bumping an older thread, but disappointed this is still an issue.

We use the Wyze Cam Pan v3 as a baby monitor. We recently accidentally turned the siren on in the app and woke up the kiddo. Really frustrating, and makes me really wish there was a way to permanently disable the siren feature.

The disassembly for Pan v3 looks complicated. I may switch to a different option if I don’t find a different solution.


Like some other users mentioned above, we are using our WYZE Cam OG as a baby monitor.

In the app, the button that triggers the siren is annoyingly close to other buttons–so it’s very easy to accidentally hit it. Setting off a siren from a camera you’re using to monitor a sleeping baby is… not ideal.

Would LOVE a way to completely disable the siren on a camera or, at minimum, remove/“gray out” that “Siren” button in the app.


Agree completely with others who use it as a baby monitor. The siren button is right next to the record video button! It would be SO easy to turn the siren on in the middle of the night and wake the baby. I can’t imagine a situation where I would ever want to use the siren. I would really love a way to disable it, otherwise I’ll probably look for another option and recommend my friends with babies look elsewhere as well.


I have the same problem