It is absolutely asinine to force every Wyze app user to have to have two-factor authentication. My mother-in-law watches the kids from time to time in her Casita, over our Wyze cam network. You’re telling me that now she will have to either have access to my email or send a notification to me at work where I likely won’t see the notification for hours, just so that she can log into MY OWN HOME CAMERA network?
From an email I received yesterday from
“…all users will be required to use two-factor authentication to log into a Wyze account.”
I’m sorry, I’ll dump every Wyze product I have and find a new system. Asinine!
As @IEatBeans indicated, you set it up from the App with the account you use. then any other device you use the App on with the same account will require 2FA. However, you only need to provide it when you Log-On not when you start the App.
So if you started the app, logged in, provided the 2FA you are good to go. then when you shut the app down, that is not a Sign-Out, therefore when you open the app again, you will not need to provide the 2FA. If you do Sign-Out, located in the Account Menu, then you will need to provide the 2FA Token when you log on to the app.
So as @IEatBeans indicated, anytime you have to provide your User Name and Password, you will be prompted for your 2FA token. if you do not have to provide your User Name and Password, then you are good.
Users that have multiple apps that they use rather infrequently and leave them “logged on”, probably have more security issues then this forum could resolve.