I was notified by Alexa that my contact sensors had been discovered last night, I am certainly happy about that occurrence. So I wrote a few routines to mess around and test them, as well as compare response times to my fully local zigbee contact sensors.
What I have noticed so far is that they can be quick (not as fast as my local stuff, but we are talking only about 3 to 6 tenths of a second), or very slow. I have also noticed that sometimes they are quite slow to give notifications to my phone via the Wyze app as well. Sometimes nearly instant and in some cases 45 minutes late.
I would like to know if anyone else is experiencing false positives? Right now I have an echo dot which simply sounds a doorbell when a contact sensor is open. The Echo has been ringing several times without the sensor opening. The Wyze app indicates that the sensor has been closed this entire time. Anyone else?