Alexa Person detection announcements with wyze cameras

Hey Angus is this feature still dead to you? Makes no sense. Maybe a Canadian thing?

Sorry folks…didn’t mean to get hopes up on this. Looking at this again I don’t know how I am accomplishing it, but apparently virtual switches via SmartThings is involved. Again … sorry. Give me broken hearts.

Looks like you can now turn on/off the camera with an Alexa Routine! I just found this recently and it works (so I no longer have to rely on IFTTT). I setup a routine for when my device arrives home to turn it OFF, and when my device leaves home to turn it ON. Cool. I also setup separate routines to verbally ask Alexa to turn the camera off or on (“Alexa, turn camera off”).

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Guess it’s my turn to not have it work then - I tried Discovering again but I can’t turn them off via routine. Are you doing it via “Smart Home” actions?

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I couldn’t find anywhere to do that

Under routines, Alexa shows my cams are all unsupported.

However, I discovered a workaround if the camera is plugged into a smart plug you can actually turn the camera on and off with routines that way.

Alexa, “turn off driveway cam”.

To turn the cam back on, you have to make a second routine.

Alexa, “turn on driveway cam”.

@timmo can you please post screenshots of how you were able to do that in Alexa?

Aren’t you actually just turning the plug off or on and putting in the phrase , turn off driveway cam ?

that’s what I found also

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Right, that is the only way I could get the routine to turn off/on the cam.

When I went to select the cam itself for the action, they were all grayed out and shows these devices are unsupported.

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Yes me as well. You can see the Unsupported section in my second screenshot.


Yep, I see now after I took a second look at your pic missed it the first time. :face_with_monocle:

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I edited my post above explaining my sorrow (apologies to all). For kicks though on how I have this setup (and at the risk of spreading more misinformation), apparently I am using SmartThings Virtual Switches, and from what I can tell this is working for me with how I have it setup. My head hurts though and maybe I’m still missing something here, but here are a few screenshots to show my setup in case this helps a sliver:

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No harm, thanks for the excellent apology. :slight_smile:

Can this be done on multiple phones? Like mine and my wife’s phone.

I really don’t know that is more of a alexa question than it is wyze question

Actually now that I think about it…It should go over both of our phones as we are both logged into the same Alexa acct. You answered my question without even knowing it. Thanks.

There you go , best thing you could do in a situation like that is set it up and try it

It’s literally an announcement. I don’t think that really applies to the Alexa app installed on a phone?

Just checked. FireTV sticks, Echo Shows, and Echoes are valid targets. My Alexa app instances are not.

No, the phone doesn’t actually make the announcement. It is used to configure Alexa to link Wyze and appoint an Alexa device to make the announcement.

Yes I know. But it seems Bullet may have been under a different impression (“It should go over both of our phones”).

Ah, ok, I didn’t know what he meant by that. :slight_smile:

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