AI Only setting for Event Recording does not persist

I do not think it should make a difference, but I have cameras at two locations. At one I use shortcut rules to turn the cameras on (leaving location) and off (arriving to location). At the other I use location triggers.

Having said this, when I am away from either location and “reset” the cameras to record only AI events, the setting still reverts to All Motion after closing the application.

I see. It sounds like there are several things going on.

Your location shortcut rules are bing used to power the cam on and off rather than enable\disable Motion Detection\Event Recording or enable\disable Notifications for the cam. This shouldn’t affect either of those two settings.

However, I am still a bit confused:

This feature is in the Motion Detection settings and is only available on specific cams w\ Beta FW or two others that may or may not be available based on the Slow Rollout of the Public Release Firmware. Still need to know specifically which cam and which firmware you are dealing with. Also need to know how you are “resetting” this.

This setting is in the Notifications settings and will not change based on the previous settings change above or by the on\off rules.

Please also include your app version with the firmware versions.

In the interim, have you attempted a cache clear\logout?

I’m of the opinion that this is more at the account and/or AI level than at the camera/firmware level–especially since it does seem to impact some more than others. I thin this is indicative that I’ve seen it across Doorbell Pro, V3, and V2 cams on both CamPlus and CamPlus Lite.

Alternately, it could be an app issue, because settings are not matching across devices–which is something I just thought of. This might also explain the resetting of setting that others have expressed. I’ve also seen there were package and vehicle detection settings were toggling on off. Might also be an issue of different versions (production app on one device and beta/alpha on another). IDK, just spitballing.

Regardless, it is clearly an issue for numerous users and should be addressed quickly.

Agree that it could be one of many causes. Testing it under all the variable conditions and troubleshooting the source is the real complicated part since there are so many variables. Not a fun rabbit hole to go down!

Both the shortcut rules and the location trigger rules simply turn motion detection on/off. I do not change notification setting since when motion detection is off, there should be no notifications and vice versa.

I didn’t receive the e-mail about this feature until 7:37 PM yesterday
there is no update for the firmware at this time, on the V 3s

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Correct. The email cart is outpacing the firmware horse on this one. Got the word from Wyze that the email needs to marinate for a bit until the V3 and PanV2 Betas finish and the RC is released for public consumption in the near future.

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Using the Wyze Beta App 2.36.0.b89, I set my CamV3 running ẞFW .2700 to Record AI Events Only in Event Recording and Set Notifications to AI Events Only:

I then exited the settings to the home screen and reentered settings = no change.
Exit settings to home screen, minimize app, maximize app, reenter settings = no change.
Exit Settings to home screen, close app, open app, reenter settings = no change.

I then created 2 shortcut rules similar to that which you are using. RULE #1 Turns off Motion Detection (Event Recording) and RULE #2 turns it back on.

Upon executing the Off Shortcut Rule, the cam reacts as expected, the Motion Detection Event Recording is off, notification settings unchanged.

I then executed the On Shortcut Rule and the cam reacted as expected. The Event Recording Motion Detection comes back on and the AI Events Only is still selected. Notifications is unchanged.

I cannot duplicate the symptoms you are reporting. Every test I ran left the Event Recording Motion Detection \ Record AI Only Settings and AI Only Notification Settings exactly as they should be.

This leads me to believe that this may be an issue specific to the iOS Production App app 2.35.0 (13) since that is the only variable that differs between our circumstances. @IEatBeans, @spamoni & @XKaliber: do you have iOS PR 2.35.0 (13) that you can test this V3 ẞFW problem on? Or also perhaps the current iOS Beta App?

If this does turn out to be a bug specific to iOS, it will need to be reported in the thread for that release version.

The only commonality is that if I remove CamPlus and then add it back onto the cam, I get 1 proper notification through the app then non. This is repeatable.

I too got this email, but I am not in the Beta program nor have any firmware updates since May 18 for my Wyze Cam v3. I am excited for the update because on windy days I get hundreds of events as the motion from tree shadows is non-stop.

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When I upgrade to the beta app the only version I see is 2.36.0.b3. How do I get the latest beta version?

I deleted my location rules and set Event Recording to AI, then turned off Notifications and closed the app (remaining logged on). The events recorded did seem to match the AI options I selected. However, when I opened the app, Event Recording was set to All motion.

When I go directly to notifications and select “You can’t turn … Event Recording”, AI events only is pre-selected. When I then check event recording, AI events only is selected by default. If I go back to settings… Event Recording, AI events only remains selected. When I close the app (staying logged on), open it, and go back to event recording, All motion is selected.

If I got back to notifications and select “… Event Recording.” at the bottom of the screen, AI events only is selected and then also is selected when I go back to event recording. When I close the app (staying logged on), open it, and go back to event recording, All motion is selected.

So far all recorded/notified events appear to be AI events. So, the functionality seems to work; the UI for Event Recording is misleading. In short, the AI events only does not persist as selected in the Event Recording setting. It does persist under Notifications.

Note: I am running iOS version 16.0.3.

Note: I am on Android so that is all I can speak to.

The latest Beta app for android is 2.36.0(b89). Not sure if it may be different for iOS.

Once you sign up for the Beta Program, any app updates will appear in your app store for update.

In order to then get Firmware Beta Updates, you have to designate each device type as a Beta Test Device in Account → About → Beta Program. Then you will see any Beta FW updates in your bulk FW Update page or in individual Device Info pages.

There have been other reports of the new Event Recording selections (All Motion vs AI Only) not holding their settings and reverting back to All Motion. I believe they have all been iOS issues though so it may be in the app.

Again, it seems as though the app isn’t holding the settings.

Try a cache clear in Account → App Settings, logout of the App in Account. Force close the app, reopen, login, reset all settings to exactly what you want, then repeat the cache clear and logout.

When you log back in, if it still reverts the settings then it should be reported in the Beta App thread.

I enabled AI notifications for one of my cameras that was always pinging me for nonsense and it worked ok, but after noticing I wasn’t notified about a man walking right up to the camera in my yard, I checked:
Notification was enabled, but no AI is available, and person and motion detection were both turned off!

In the app dashboard, it says I don’t even have the CamPlus service that was just renewed. What the heck?

You may want to clear your cache and logout, then log back in and toggle the settings. Check if this resets the app w\ the server settings. If not, unassign the cam from CP and do it again, reassigning after logging back in and toggling your settings.

If the Event Recording AI detection settings keep reverting, this issue has been reported on iOS previously.

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In the iOS app I cleared the cache files and logged out. After logging back in and changing back to “AI events only”, the setting does not persist for me after the app is force closed/swiped up. Hours of event videos of blowing tree shadows yesterday also proved the setting is not applied.

I stopped short of unassigning/reassigning the cam from Cam Plus. Can anyone confirm if that actually resolves the AI events only persistence issue? Or is it an iOS app bug?

unassigning the license has fixed it for many including me. It’s super easy, just go into the account > services tab, hit the camera name and set it to unassigned, then hit the empty slot and set it to the cam. Done

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Thanks for the instructions. Unfortunately after unassigning a camera, then reassigning it - the AI events only setting reverts back to All motion after the app is force closed.

I got the firmware update on pan camera last week and it started to record motion almost every 20 seconds even though nothing was moving. So I checked the features and saw AI detection and switched to that but then it reverted back to motion recording after a day (recording every 20 second for 24 hours with no motion), then I switched it back and a day later my cam plus subscription disappeared. I really just want the indoor pan to stop recording events ever 20 seconds when nothing is there like before they firmware update.

The latest iOS app release – 2.36.0 (b11) – seems to have resolved this issue: AI Only setting for Event Recording does not persist.


Great! I’m guessing that’s a beta version - any idea when the official release will hit the App Store?