A Foggy OG

Last two weeks has been damp, rainy and dreary. This week very sunny for two days and the rest of the week.

An OG got moisture in it during the dreary. Not terrible just misty on the left side. Will it ever dry and be ok? Or return it while its still under warranty?

Like a phone, you can try tossing it in a bag of rice for a day. Or if the cam gets direct sunlight, it may dry out on its own. But honestly it should not get water in it so I’d probably just opt for a warranty replacement (otherwise it may just happen again and possibly even damage the camera).


This. I’d open a ticket with Support and send them the picture, especially if (presumably) you haven’t done something silly to void the warranty like open the camera. :wink:

I agree that you could also try drying it, though I’m not sure how hygroscopic rice actually is. I’d be more inclined to stick it in an air-tight container with some silica gel packets (often included in bottles of medicines, vitamins, or some foods to absorb moisture) or even “crystal” silica gel cat litter. I think the key here is to isolate the thing you’re trying to dry and the stuff you’re using to dry it from outside air; you don’t get much benefit if the silica gel (or whatever drying agent) is exposed to the humid air of your environment.

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Ok, lol.

@Crease I don’t mess with taking them apart. It’s been in rain before, maybe the seals are melting, all afternoon sun, though the OG tele under the stack is doing just fine. Protected by the deck a little bit too.

I’ll initiate a return and see if I can find a receipt up front, so theyll have all they need.

I’ll give it to end of week in sunshine before doing that to see if it clears up. I have spare OGs to swap it out.

It works surprisingly well, I’ve revived a Panv3 from death using it and various other things. But yes you want to evacuate as much air as you can from the bag and seal it up. I also have lots of different desiccants and I’d say rice works nearly as well and is typically big enough to not get into nooks and crannies, but still completely encompasses whatever you’re drying. The issue with the silica packets is they’re often already spent. You can heat them in an oven at like 150 for a while to recharge them but usually just too much effort.

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They might just let you keep it. My Video Doorbell v2 recently stopped reliably actuating my home’s mechanical chime despite following Wyze’s troubleshooting, so they gathered information from me in the Support ticket (shipping and Wyze account information, order # [I had purchased directly from Wyze, so that was easy], the device’s MAC address and/or serial #, and a screenshot of the Device Info page for the problem device). When they processed the return and updated the Support ticket, it included this message:

You do not need to return your original Wyze product to us - please feel free to recycle it.


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That’s what happened to me couple of years ago. The night vision on one of my V3’s got way to grainy, so they sent me a replacement and told me to recycle the camera. I tried to keep it but couple weeks later it just died.

I would definitely do that. You have no idea how long that camera will last after moisture had gotten in.

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Same for me on my Panv3 that got water in it. It was truly dead but the discussed rice trick brought it back to life, figured worth a try before chucking it. Clicks a bit when it pans, but makes a good backup/portable camera. It is listed in my app as “spare” and typically just says offline, hiding out in a drawer until it is called up for active duty.

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OG replacement in process awaiting order email. I also had a V4 with a stuck IR, they let me keep that one also.

Not painless in time via chat, but ok, after the gal tried to tell me it’d probaby dry out in sunshine. Which it might. I reminded her it’s IP65, will ruin the camera, winter and lots of moisture on the way soon.

Plus warranty expires next month.

She agreed to replace it. Lol

Anyhow that’s done.

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Probably it’s special effect.
Should Wyze create an add-on subscription to charge for this feature?

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Oh, so like a soft focus or “glamour shot” effect? :wink:

:pencil2: Edit: Added blur to my comment…for effect. :grin:


:laughing: ok, I’ll play.

fOGgy Mountain Breakdown

Vanishing Act

OG Out-of-Focus Wonder Feature

Do I need :nerd_face:

Soft fOG Opacity (a setting)

Perp Privacy Protection

Gray Haze vs Purple

Cam Fog+ (paid feature)


Pretty sure we know which it will be.

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I have a V3 that can only show things clearly close up, like maybe 13 feet, anything beyond is out of focus. I renamed the camera on the app to OOFO (Out of Focus) and put it in the garage so I can see if the door is closed. :eyeglasses:

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They want the foggy OG back to see why it leaked I guess. A lot of work for a $20 camera on both our parts.:joy:

I guess it was just too much to hope that you’d be able to retain the special blur effect without paying a premium, eh? I guess that’s the way the :cookie: crumbles.

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Yep, I reckon so. Lol

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