3.0 App Android Camera Feed

How do you stop the camera feed from starting when you open the app. I only wish to use Data when I want. How do I turn off this really bad feature?

Which cameras are you talking about? Some offer this option and others don’t.

Or you can remove the Camera’s from your Favorites Page and leave them in the Device area. But arrange your devices so you can get to them quickly.

Another option is to put the Cameras in a group. then they will play when you open the group.


I second the recommendation to use Device Groups, even if it’s just a single-camera group. It adds only one tap to access a camera’s main (live view) screen with the camera’s controls, but if all I want to do in the moment is peek at a camera’s live feed, then that’s just a single tap from Favorites to stream the group (again, even if it’s just one camera in the group).

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Since this Android, why not just roll back to the previous version? Why try and work around this.

After many of posts and complaints this just seems Wyze could actually at least offer an option to disable this live view that clearly works very poorly for many people.

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