I had hopes (again) that wyze had finally fixed the problem with live streaming V1 cameras, But of course no. If wyze is abandoning any support for V1 cameras at least have the nerve to admit it.
@WyzeAndy I know that this is a known issue but just wanted to let you know that I am unable to load and play any event clips. I am running the iOS software so it’s messed up so I went back to the official Wyze app for now. Hopefully this will be fixed soon:)
My Scale is 1.1.4 but the firmware update page is incorrect. I clicked update, was redirected to the Scale page, dug into settings and Device Info. Clicked the 1.1.4 and get a message the firmware is up to date
Im on android and when I tap an event notification it opens the app but the event doesnt play, instead the app closes (but not before marking the event as read). If I tap the event from the events page it plays fine.
Log 53823
Edit: its being super wonky when I try to zoom on a video as well. (If video is paused, it will not zoom. If video is playing, it will zoom but then when you pause it it resets.) Also if I try to screenshot while its playing the play arrow shows up in the photo.
Not sure what caused the lockout after upgrading to the beta app but learned in the process that Wyze doesnt have a manual way to unlock accounts. I was told to wait an hour and try again and if that didnt work to wait 24 hours and change my password. I waited an hour and changed my password. Everything is working fine now.
Wyze really needs to address the ability to manually unlock accounts when calling into support. Being locked out of the app and not getting notifications from cams and sensors for long periods of time is a big security concern.
Over $150 a year for two subscriptions? That’s >$6.25 a month per sub.
You must have gotten the Early Bird Special.
You should pay annually, $14.99 a year ($1.25 a month) per sub.
Me too! I can’t wait to customize the camera detection zone hopefully this will help with tons of motion detection because of a moving tree branch. If only I could use the beta app… I really hope they fix the issue with iOS beta soon. Right now I have to use the official Wyze app.