12 second clips saved on phone

Can someone tell me why 12 second video clips are being saved to my Android 7.0 phone in the “video” folder?

I thought they were saved to the cloud.

Is there a configuration setting that can stop this?


  • Yes, they are saved to the cloud by the camera.
  • When you select them in “Events”, they are downloaded from the cloud to your phone for you to view in the app
  • No, there is no way to change that other than to go into “Event Recording” and turn off “Detects motion” and/or “Detects sound”. But then you won’t get notifications, either.

There are three places to control push notifications:

  1. Per camera in the cameras Settings > Event Recording > Send Push Notification. This can be controlled by the camera owner or shared user and will affect both.

  2. Globally on an account basis by tapping the bell icon on the top right of the home screen, or using the switch in Account > Notifications. This affects only the owners or shared users login account on all devices they have logged in to the Wyze app.

  3. In the phone’s OS settings, which can enable or disable all notifications from any particular app. This applies to only that particular phone/tablet. (Note: this is not possible in some versions of Android.)

You can think of the three notification control options as three concentric rings or gates. If the inner gate (level-1, per camera) is closed, no notifications get beyond that level. If the gate is open, then the notification can attempt to get past the next level (level-2, account), etc.


This is not a good feature at all. The reason I bought the micro sd card is so I don’t have to worry about my phone filling up with videos… and for me to not have to keep deleting videos in order to make space.

Please fix this… why can’t ALL videos be saved to the sd card in the Wyze cam?


This an annoyance for me as well. I’m on the Galaxy S8 and am constantly deleting videos out of my Gallery. Please fix this to give us the option to save to phone or not.


The fault here is not necessarily with the Wyze Cam or the Wyze App, it is your phone’s download options. When it downloads a video for viewing Android or Galaxy should provide provisions for deleting the video event clips after viewing, rather than automatically saving the event video clip, such as an auto popup window, save or delete?. Which would also become annoying over time. Wyze may have no control over your viewing device and the options present for the viewing and saving of video events.

Maybe… that popup/delete feature could be programmed into the Wyze app after each event video is viewed. But the individual viewing device file saving options is really where this is ultimately controlled.

Hope this helps,




The SD card is not for the alert notifications, it is for the “Record on event” or “Continuous recording” that is controlled in the app for each camera under “Advanced Settings”. The 12 second alert notifications are configured in “Event Recording” under “Detects motion” and “Detects sound”. If either of those is toggled on, then alert notifications are sent to the Wyze cloud storage, with a 5 minute cooldown between events. In order to view those events, you select them on the Events page and they are then downloaded to your phone.

Please let me know if that clears it up for you. :slight_smile:

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is there a way to change the 12 seconds into a longer period such as 20 or 30 seconds?

No, but this feature is under consideration in the Roadmap. You can VOTE at the top left of the topic, and also make any comments at the end of the thread.

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thank u again! i am new to this. do u have the wyze pan? do u like it? i just have 2 regular wyze cams that i use outside but under a covered area.

I do have a Pan. It works well in large areas with little activity if using motion tracking. Otherwise, it is constantly moving. I have one Pan, and about 10 V2 cameras. Two of the V2s are outside, and then some pointed through windows in lighted areas.

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I use this app to clean up those files on my phone.
Google Files app


You can clear all the event video if you go to Account > App Settings > Clear Cache. Also if you’re using Google Photos, you can deselect the folders for backup under Google Photos > Settings > Back up& sync > Back up device folders and manage the folders you want to sync.

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Is this something you are considering fixing? This is a major drawback. I may not want to delete all videos and I don’t want to have to spend time everyday going thru these. I need the sound and tracking so turning them off isn’t an option. It’s a big inconvenience. It would be nice to just save video we want to save. Thank you.

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Hi @hfiles1013 . If you’re an Android user this might work out for you:

I agree. Coming from iOS, where it doesn’t do this, this is kind of annoying. Why does it have to download on android but can stream it on iPhone? Doesn’t make sense…

It doesn’t clear it up for me no haha… it just does not make any sense to force my phone to “have” to save those events without my permission. The only videos that should be saved to the sd card are the ones I want to save, not which ever the app wants to save.

I had to backtrack to recall what we discussed. I gave that response four months ago. Which SD card are you referring to…in your phone/device, or the camera?

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I have blink cameras also and the blink app doesn’t save clips to the phone when viewing the recorded events. In other words, I don’t agree that it is the phone’s download options causing this. This is a limitation of the Wyze App. I really wish they would fix it. It is quite annoying always having to delete these videos.


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Where is ‘advanced settings’? I don’t see this on the app on my iPhone.

I also want to know how to view ‘saved’ event videos - I can’t see any way in the app to view them.

Very confused about where these videos are getting saved, to the cloud, to card in camera, to my phone…please explain.

When viewing the camera click on the cog in the upper right, you will see advanced settings.

To view saved event videos that recorded to the cloud, look for them in the events tab on the bottom of the app. Videos saved to the SD card can be viewed by hitting the ‘view playback’ button while in the cam viewer…

Event videos get saved to the cloud, they are downloaded to your phone when you view them. Videos recorded to the SD card remain on the SD card until overwritten.