Hey guys ,
Do you want something that’ll really make our camera system better? Do you already own a bunch of products and already pay for multiple subscriptions?
How about you spend more money on your subscription and then we will let you have this functionality.
I’m getting so tired of you guys rolling out a new service, and then charging us for it. You guys have been nickeling and diming us for years. Why can’t everybody have the same thing under one plan?
I know now why you guys dropped the rtsp on your newer cameras, you found out that we wouldn’t pay the subscription. If I own the product I should be able to have all the functionality of The device. It’s like owning A car, but if you want to have the air conditioning you got to pay monthly fee, oh you want blinkers that’s also going to cost you some money, windshield wipers? Ha! I got your windshield wipers for an extra $2.99 a month.
Y’all’s business model needs to change, if you look through these topics you’ll see the same thing over and
over and over again. We’re trying to tell you that you’ll be losing a bunch of money and a bunch of customers unless you adjust your business model.
People will be more than happy to pay more for these rinky dink cameras, if you just added basic functionality without having to charge monthly. You act as if there’s not other lower budget cameras that provide the exact same thing you guys do without having to pay a damn monthly fee.
I’m pretty sure you guys are going to start charging to posting these topics as well. Let’s call it the form subscription $9.99 a month.