WyzeCam v4 streaming resolution keeps downgrading to 360p

I recently started watching/monitoring my WyzeCam v4s live video feed a lot as I have 1-2 herons that keep dropping by by pond to try to eat my koi. I’ve noticed that video quality of the live stream frequently downgrades from 2.5k to 360p which makes it difficult for me to see the heron when they show up. This happens both when using the app on my Samsung phone/tablet, as well as via the browser when using Wyze Web Live.

When using the app, the resolution indicator sometimes updates to show 360p instead of 2.5k, but not always - sometimes it still says 2.5k even though the video quality is definitely 360p . In all cases, I can get back to true 2.5k resolution by just tapping the resolution button enough times.

When using the browser, I have to refresh the page then select the camera I want to see in order to get back to 2.5k as there are no controls on the web page to change streaming resolution.

This issue is occurring on multiple v4 cameras. 3 of these cameras are within ~40 feet of my router so I don’t think it’s a WiFi signal quality issue, particularly because I can always get it back to 2.5k resolution when this happens. I would be OK with it if the resolution would ramp back up to 2.5k automatically, but that doesn’t seem to happen. Once the resolution drops, it seems to be stuck there until I manually fix it.

Anyone else having this issue? It’d be nice to be able to lock the streaming resolution and, if necessary, drop some frames rather than permanently dropping the resolution to 360p…

It implies some sort of communication limitation. Not sure why you assume 40 feet is fine - what walls and materials are in the path - and what other 2.4ghz is in the area?

Are you connected to the same wifi network (one with no limitations like client isolation, guest network, etc) so that the stream connects direct between the phone and cameras? If it loops out through the internet, then internet upload speed/reliability comes into play also.

There are a lot of possible causes for it to sense the network is having issues, but the most likely culprit is going to be the wifi portion between the cam and router.

It does seem their 2.5K cams will scale down where the older cams will ask you if you want to do it. Have seen other posts with similar symptoms, the icon says 2.5K but the image is clearly far lower resolution. Probably something they need to improve on, and possibly even add a feature where it goes back to 2.5K when it detects it can handle it. But who knows if/when that will get better, so in the meantime you need to focus on your wifi and see if you can reposition the router higher up/more central, or use a better router, mesh system, possibly repeaters (those bring their own set of challenges though) etc. There are some settings you can potentially tweak in the router too (depending what router it is and whether you can access those settings or not).

Do you have the camera in a camera group? I believe putting a camera in a group has the app downgrade the stream to 360p while viewing it in the group, then it is supposed switch back to 2K or HD when you view it individually and sometimes it will still say 360P when it is actually 2K, but in your case, it sounds like it is getting stuck on 360p.

If you are using groups, temporarily try removing one of those cameras from the group and see if it still has that problem. If it doesn’t then we will have narrowed down the issue to having to do with the camera groups. If it does keep happening, then it may be related to connectivity somehow.

I recall someone else saying settings from one v4 seemed to impact their others, so maybe somehow having it in a cam group does impact other screens, interesting theory.

I feel like my OGs and Panv3s (1080P) aren’t downgraded that low when viewing in a cam group or on the favorites tab, but I suppose they might be. But the clarity on the cam group view and the live view (which when the phone is in portrait mode is about the same size) is similar if not identical. But who knows, maybe that’s something only the 2.5K cams do.

The cameras have a solid WiFi signal (2 of 3 bars according to the Device Info page). The cameras are 30-40’ from the router or nearest mesh node, and generally only have one obstruction to deal with (wall or garage door). I’m on a 5 acre lot with no nearby neighbors so there are no competing WiFi networks within range. All of my devices are on the same network with no client isolation, etc. I do have a large house so I have 3 mesh nodes for full coverage.

I would assume internet connectivity only comes into play when accessing the stream via a browser. I see this issue on both the browser as well as via the app, which I assume would use my local network, so I don’t think my internet connection is an issue. In any case, I have a very solid internet connection that’s quite fast/reliable (2 gbps down/350 mbps up).

Yes, I do have all of my cameras in a group. I’ll try to remove the v4 cams that are having this issue from the group to see if that helps. Thanks!

Unfortunately signal strength meters don’t tell you much. And neighboring wifi networks aren’t the only thing that competes for 2.4ghz spectrum. Anything bluetooth, microwave ovens, cordless phones, essentially anything wireless or that emits RF interference often affects that range.

Not saying it is definitely your issue, just don’t assume it isn’t based on a signal meter in the app.

The cam group theory is an interesting one, so give that a try, I recall someone here reporting that changing a setting on one v4 seemed to impact others. But I’d think in that case it would always be at 360 and not the symptom you’re seeing where it is 2.5 then drops down, that sounds more like bandwidth. Who knows.

Bear in mind if your mesh is wireless, the usable bandwidth at each wireless node is half what it would be at the main router. Normally that should still be plenty for a few cam streams, but if there are other signal issues, it can compound the problem.

Also check and make sure the cam is on the correct (closest) node. Sometimes with mesh systems, devices connect to a further node with poor signal for seemingly no reason.

It can come into play with the app also. Obviously when away from home it uses the internet, but even if something prevents the cams from talking directly to the phone, it will “loop out” via the internet. There is also basic control traffic always going between the cams and internet (when you change a setting in the app, that goes via the internet to the cam, not direct). However that basic traffic shouldn’t have anything to do with the stream resolution falling.