Here is a pic that proves there is a HUGE issue with the watches 02 sensor/readings. (The device on my finger was calibrated to my Pulmonologist’s just the day prior to the pic. I have lung disease and my 02 is commonly at 91-93%, and will only go/be higher if I am on at least 3 liters of 02. )
Prior to taking this picture, it took me 4 times trying to get a reading. The first three times the watch displayed… “Please wear watch and try again” I have tried wearing the watch from so tight on my wrist it’s painful, and so loose it flops around… and everywhere in between, and with each adjustment tried to get an 02 reading… always the same thing. This is the same photo that I sent to Wyze support.
If you’re experiencing this same issue, I hope you speak up to Wyze… the more of us who do, the more likely it is that Wyze will seriously look into/fix the obvious issue(s).
There still has been no fix for the Wyze cameras destroying micro SD cards… an issue that appeared not long after the initial launch. Wyze just keeps pumping out cheap products that don’t work as advertised, and then when someone like me squawks enough, they tell me they’ll replace or refund my money to shut up… and hope that the rest of the people with leave it alone because the cost of their products is so low.
That being said, Wyze seems to do it’s best to gloss over the issues without ever fixing anything, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see they just try to stay ahead of product issues, by producing new products fast enough to draw peoples’ attention to a newer product, who’s issues have not come to light yet… Proof? We’re discussing it right now… a watch that is advertised to have a working 02 sensor…that does not. I just decided that after previous issues with Wyze products, it’s best to speak up sooner, rather then later… and there are already others piping up and saying the same thing… Hmmmmm.