What's the typical wait for support responses?

What is the typical wait time to get a response/action from a Wyze support request? Days? Weeks? More?

 I received my Wyze Watch last week, and immediately discovered that the Blood 02 function is defective.   When attempting to use this function, it usually does not work, and I get a message.... "please wear watch and try again" when it's strapped tightly to my wrist.    On the one out of 3-4 times that it returns a reading, it takes 30-45 seconds to do so, and then is horribly inaccurate!    Usually reading 98-99%    I know that's  wrong, because I have never had a blood 02 that high, and I currently have a health condition that requires me to sleep with 02.  I also have compared the watch 02 readings to a finger spirometry device from my Doctor, that is calibrated monthly at my Doctor's office.   

Long story short, when the watch does display a blood 02 reading… it is OFF 10-12 percentage points! That is unacceptable.
I would like to return this watch for a replacement/one that actually works, but so far can’t seem to get a response from support.

The best way to get hold of support for an issue like this would be by phone. Wait times would be less first thing in the morning.

WYZE Support

Live support is available:


Monday - Friday 5 am - 6 pm PT

Saturday 8 am - 4 pm PT


Thanks! I tried them first thing this morning… I gave up after waiting for 22 mins (yep, I did keep track).

I really want to like this watch, but it’s really frustrating when customer service is so lacking/terrible!