Wyze Video Doorbell v2 firmware - Released 4/8/2024

Please answer my questions that i directed at you above. Thanks in advance!

See my other posts.

What actual firmware version is on your doorbell? Please provide the actual numbers of the version.

You already know this, as you already quoted my post from the other forum.

My post here is to ensure Wyze is seeing the logs. If you work for Wyze, then my goal is being met. If you donā€™t work for Wyze, then Iā€™m unsure how your comments are helpful at this point.

However, to appease you, I will copy and paste my same reply to the forum post you quoted:

ā€œAndroid (442)
Beta versionā€

Jason directed us to the beta, yet that hasnā€™t fixed anything. This forum ensures he is up to date as well.

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I was nearing the end of my return window on Amazon so I returned it as defective and got sent a new one.

I followed the advice from Salor from this post and everything now seems to be working as intended. https://forums.wyze.com/t/wyze-v2-doorbell-not-longer-recording-events-or-sending-notifications/296772/29

Itā€™s baffling that Wyze knows this is an issue and still hasnā€™t given us an option to roll back the firmware OR AT THE VERY LEAST turn off the latest firmware so new customers or existing customers donā€™t have to deal with a new product that doesnā€™t work straight out of the box.

I donā€™t want to come off sounding like I donā€™t like Wyze products because thatā€™s not the case. Iā€™ve had Wyze cameras for a number of years and am a Cam Plus subscriber and have touted them to friends and family for a while. But this is the kind of stuff that just grinds my gears and leaves a bad impression.

It was said in another post that Wyze needs to Wise up and stop releasing new products just to release new products. Stick to what set you apart from the beginning and target your core fan baseā€¦which is cameras. Cut out the fluff products like a scale, watch, headphones, vacuums, etc, and focus more on supporting your bread and butter items.

It should not take this long for the dev team to put a stop gap in place and rollback the firmware while they iron out the issues. Something is better than nothing. Does anyone at Wyze even use their own products or test on their own stuff before itā€™s released :man_shrugging:


Todayā€™s log of broken notifications. By the way, @WyzeJasonJ if these daily logs arenā€™t helpful, please let me know.


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Daily log


Hope itā€™s okay to ask in this thread but is there a reason why the Wyze Video Doorbell Pro has not had firmware updates in over a year, but the non-pro v1 and v2 versions are still getting updates? I feel like the Pro is due for an update (both in terms of firmware and hardware), or should be axed.

I understand the sentiment, but in this case be very happy you did not get the upgrade.

Since April 8th most detection functionality for the v2 is effectively broken and there is not even a mention about a rollback or fix.

@WyzeJasonJ @WyzeAndy

Any update??

We are now at an ENTIRE month since the firmware upgrade broke the most basic function of the doorbell (notifications). All Iā€™ve seen is one Beta version update that didnā€™t fix anything. And Iā€™ve seen no feedback from Wyze since that Beta release. Nothing. Hello Wyze? Do you care about your long time customers???

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The solution I ended up doing was contacting support and filling a warranty replacement due to a defective firmware. About a week later I got my new doorbell and refuse to do any more firmware updates.

Their warranty states: ā€œWyze warrants to the original owner of the product that the product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date you purchasedā€.

Luckily I got a customer service rep that understood it was a Wyze issue and not a me issue. They sent me a replacement since I had multiple logs, these forums, and a warranty.

Iā€™ve never had major issues until the firmware update, yet no one seems to want to fix the issue or rollback the firmware.

For those as frustrated as I am, voice your opinion on the Fix it Friday post from WyzeJasonJ.

Fix-It Friday - May 2024 - Wyze News - Wyze Forum

I went the frustrating route of returning to amazon and getting buying a new one and using the method sinistergti mentioned to avoid upgrading to the broken firmware. I am sorry to whoever buys that amazon return. Itā€™s really ridiculous this is still an issue.

You did better than me. I had a receipt, warranty, and multiple logs too. I pleaded my case to a customer service rep and they outright refused to send a replacement. I explained how the replacement would have earlier firmware that was actually FUNCTIONAL for notifications. Explained in nauseating detail and they still refused.

So I guess I have a doorbell that has a 12 month warranty that is beyond the return window where the warranty is not being honored in the manner Iā€™d expect.

I was just told the standard ā€œour software engineers are working on this and a fix will be out soonā€. I expect sooner than a month when one of the primary functions if not THE primary functionā€¦.notifying someone the button is pressed does not work. Iā€™m extremely disappointed. I was a huge fan of Wyze up until now.

I just messaged you. Hope itā€™s helpful.

You should post a review comment on Amazon. Suggest other people not to buy this crap.

FWIW, I commented early on this right after the firmware upgrade because I wasnā€™t getting notifications. Deleted the device, reset things and set it up again. It didnā€™t work the first time or could have even been after adding a detection zone. At one point it looked like I bricked the doorbell because I wasnā€™t getting any lights with power connected. I deleted and tried again. Iā€™m not sure what I did but I have been getting notifications since. Iā€™ve been scared to adjust any settings because what I have is good enough. Iā€™m on Iā€™m pretty disappointed by all this and but my silence since is only because ā€œsomehowā€ itā€™s been working ok for meā€¦even while others have started experiencing issues.

All the chatter here about problems since the firmware update prompted me to turn off Automatic Update for mine, so Iā€™m still on What disappoints me is the lack of engagement with the relevant fix-it-friday topic that @khsfdhkjfsd posted for this month. I donā€™t understand why some who have spent so much time writing angry messages havenā€™t taken the time to go click the :heart: for this one to try to give the issue more visibility.

Thank you for sharing your experience. Iā€™m genuinely glad that the update has worked for you, and it almost makes me want to try updating mine.

I went and upvoted the post you mentioned in the FixIt Friday Forum. Hopefully that helps get visibility.

And I hate to go on a negative rant again, and I get that upvoting in the FixIt Friday post may get it visibility and possibly worked on. However, how much do we have to do as users to get Wyze to respond to a serious firmware flaw?

Iā€™ve posted numerous times in the Video Doorbell firmware release forum here, numerous times in the Beta firmware release forum when Wyze attempted to fix this, called support several times, and at their request sent MANY logs of the issue. And here we are a month later with no resolution still. I have gone through every channel I could AND sent them everything asked for and yet we are a month out with no resolution/fix.

Iā€™m not a Software Engineer. Maybe itā€™s a complex issue to correct. I donā€™t know. But Wyze should at least respond or roll back the firmware to a functional version in the interim and we canā€™t even get that.

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