Wyze Vacuum Can't Set Up WiFi

I have a new Wyze robot vacuum. I took it out of the box, put it on the charger and let it charge. It flashed yellow and after a couple hours started flashing white. I tried the holding both buttons down to go into wifi set up, but it just turned off. I turned it back on and the white lights continues to flash. Looking at the manual it said that indicated it was connecting to wifi. I checked but did not see the wifi network indicated to set it up. I tried to do a factory reset by holding the home key, but nothing happened. I have tried pulling the battery hoping to “reboot” it, but it continues to just flash white. I’m starting to think I have a defective unit. Any other thoughts to get it into wifi set up mode?



Any indication someone else had touched this unit before you got it? Maybe it’s a “bricked by an update” unit that got returned then resold.

Everything in the box looked fine, nothing jumped out at me as it being a return, but that is what I’m beginning to think. If I click the on button it will start cleaning and clean, just can’t get it connected to wifi or the app which is the whole reason I got it.

Don’t recall anyone mentioning it would still start a clean like that after being “bricked”, so not sure about that one.

Sounds like no WZVC_xxx WIFI network appears?

Doesn’t get to that. As soon as it was charged it immediately starting flashing white like it was in wifi setup, without any key presses. Almost seems like its looking for a previously set up network. When its doing that it will not let me press both to reset wifi or press home to do a factory reset.

Came here to let everyone know the outcome. I worked with Wyze support for a couple days and determined the vacuum needed to be returned and replaced. I sent ours back and had a new one a few days later. The new one set up within 5 minutes and is working great.

Wyze support was great to work with.


Don’t hear that often. That is good to hear.