Wyze Thermostat: Missing Y1 Error

I’ve had my wyze thermostat setup for about 4 years now and just recently had an issue with the AC unit not turning on.

No changes were made to the wiring, it just stopped turning on.

I reset the device, disconnected and restarting the setup / pairing process. During this process I keep getting an error that says Y1 wire is missing. I believe this would prevent the AC unit from turning on?

Additionally, when I skip the error code, since I recognize the y1 is connected, when I get to the test stage, no air comes out of the vents.

As you can in the attached photo, the y1 wire is still connected to the thermostat terminal.

Does anyone know what could cause this problem?

When you reset it did you tell it that you had a C wire or a G wire? Because you need to tell it that you have a G wire so that it knows you have a C adapter and outputs the correct signals.