Washer /dryer notifier
A plug that sends smart phone notification when the washer gets done with load. Same with the dryer. Sense when current flow stops or drops. Maybe in a few yrs see how much electric is pulled during wash load.
Washer /dryer notifier
A plug that sends smart phone notification when the washer gets done with load. Same with the dryer. Sense when current flow stops or drops. Maybe in a few yrs see how much electric is pulled during wash load.
Please make the Wyze plug smarter. As in, when there is a power draw while the plug is on, show how much is being used continuously. How much power does my light draw? How much power is my 3D printer using while the heatbed is warming up? How much is the 3D printer using now that the heat bed is warm and it is just printing. How much power does my laser printer use idle vs printing?
There are other plugs that do that, but Wyze is my only go to company for smart stuff like this. I don’t want 20 apps on my phone.
Add voltage monitoring to the current indoor Wyze plug or create a similar device to the Topgreener or BN _link. Understanding indoor voltage usage could help conserve energy.