WYZE Skill on Alexa

The wyze skill has been working with Echo Show 5s for a couole of years. About 3 weeks ago the Echo Shows stopped working when motions were detected. I can show the camera from an Alexa routine manually or verbally from the Echp Show. I created a support ticket but it was signed off after 2 weeks. Anyone know what issue may be causing this?

Can’t say for sure. I had a similar issue with Alexa routines not working properly. They magically fixed themselves.

In the past the issue corrected itself after a weekend of issues, but this has been a couple of weeks. I get text stating a person was detected but no video or audio notifications. Today, after receiving a message on the Echo Show a person was detected I received a message on the Echo’s screen to “Open the Vacccum”. That message then times out. I also noticed I am seeing “Device is Unresponsive” messages in the Alexa app for Echo Shows. Not always the same Echo Show.

I want to make sure I understand what is happening.

  1. You have person detection turned on in the Alexa app for the Wyze camera? 2. And when detected, the Echo Show no longer pulls up the live image?
  2. Where in the Alexa app are you seeing this message Device is Unresponsive?
  3. What generation are your Echo Shows?
  4. Not a question, but I’ve seen a message several times that informs me to add a "wait x minutes’ to the last line of my routine. I encourage you to do that and see if it makes a difference?
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