Wyze robot vacuum - map editing & additional enhancements

That was downstairs (above), it’s having issues with upstairs now. It was trying very hard to get to a room that it could not access because that “room” is a set of stairs! It also appeared to be ignoring my backup no-go zone to keep it away from the edge of the stairs. I guess I overloaded it with no-go zones, I did reach the limit.

Also, I’m either accidentally removing random no-go zones w/o noticing, or the robot is randomly deleting them.

Maybe there is some corrupt data. I’ve done everything but a factory reset (waiting for a final firmware release).

It works okay with selected rooms, just not when doing a full vacuum. I could save a lot of no-zones and it would probably prevent this oddness if I could set an entire “room” as no-go.

Hi! I love your robotic vacuum, but there is one feature you could add that would make me love it even more: the ability to set a “stop” location for the vacuum to return to after cleaning is complete.

I know you’re thinking, “Well, it returns to charge when cleaning is complete, which is great,” but please hear me out.

My charging station is kept under a piece of furniture with large enough clearance for it to fit without issue. This keeps it out of the way when not in use; however, it comes with quite a few drawbacks:

  1. Trying to remember to clean out the dustbin with the vacuum out of sight (= out of mind)
  2. I have to pull the vacuum out from under the piece of furniture and off of its charging station to clean the dustbin
  3. I have to carry the dustbin to another room with a trash can, empty it, carry it back to the vacuum, and then send it back home under the piece of furniture

All of these problems could be solved if I could tell the vacuum where I wanted it to stop when it’s finished cleaning. I would have it stop right next to the trash can… this would remind me to empty it and have it conveniently located next to the trash can for emptying. I could then just hit the Home button on the vacuum and send it home for charging after reinstalling the dustbin.

I realize probably not a lot of people keep their charging station in an inconvenient location like I do, but I’m willing to bet quite a few people would love to stop their vacuum next to the trash can for easy emptying like I would, even if their charging station isn’t under a piece of furniture.

Thanks for the consideration!

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Same here.

Same here so if I don’t remember to stop it while it’s out and about, I just tell it to clean the room with the trash can (kitchen), stop it when it gets there, clean bin, send home.


Robot Vacuum Dumping Location

I keep my vacuum docked under my couch. It would be nice if the app allowed a bin dump location where you could request the robot to drive to for emptying. Is this a feature you might add in a future?

Higher Suction In Selected Zones

It would be nice to allow selection of different suction levels in different rooms/zones. Quiet in hardwood rooms and high in carpet rooms. Is that something that could be added to the app?

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MAPPING REQUEST: Please make it possible to more precisely configure rooms and areas. I cannot currently separate our kitchen from our dining room. The delineating lines will not allow it unless I use some arbitrary, diagonal lines.

Also, it would be awesome if we could add some smaller, “spot cleaning” areas. For example, we have two areas that see high traffic. It would be very helpful if those areas could be cleaned more often without cleaning an entire room in the process. Simply put, some areas need more attention more often than others.

NOTE TO WYZE: How more attractive would your vacuum be if it outshined the competition by having this very valuable option?


I use “customize rooms” under the map editor to divide a room up into high traffic and low traffic areas using the Split function and give each section a unique name . Then I schedule more frequent runs for the high traffic areas. Give it a try.

What status does Wyze have assigned to the function or remaping a single room. I have 2 Wyze robot vacuums’s but cant recommend them to any one without this feature. (And I LOVE Wyze!)

A way to save a backup of generated maps.
That way if the map gets messed up, we can recall a past version rather than being forced to remap the whole floor.

[Mod Note]: Your post was merged to this #wishlist request for better visibility and consistency in grouping similar requests.

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Map magnification increase, No Go Zone adjustment

Map for robotic vacuum is still too limited, with a large floor plan cannot magnify the map sufficiently to easily delineate “no go zones”. Greater magnification would help and making both sides of the zone adjustable would also make it easier.

Have robot wait by trash can to run before returning to charge.

Maybe this is dumb, but I keep my vacuum in the deep dark corner of my living room out of sight, which means I forget to empty it occasionally.

It would be cool if I came home from work and the vacuum was just sitting next to my trash can, waiting to be emptied. Remove dust bin, empty, replace, go back to charger.


The ability to have more than one charging station per floor on one map.

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Sounds like a great idea to me. Mine is a dumb robovac so I just tell Alexa to stop it when it’s near a garbage can. But if you have a mapping robot your idea makes good sense.

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Robot Vacuum Map Updating

*Sorry if this already exists, but I couldn’t find anything exactly like it.

The LIDAR does a great job at mapping, but there are still times when it screws up, namely when the map is rotated. This issue has been brought up, and the solution is always just to remap. This doesn’t happen often to me, but I feel like a general fix to this would be great. Competitions such as IRobot require you to go into cleaning history and “Update Map”. I feel like this is Not the solution, and it’s a big pain to update every time. Wyze used to have a popup “Would you like to update your map?” And I fell like this was a much better solution.

Wyze should really add this back, or ideally do small changes such as furniture moving around automatically, but if a certain % of the map has changed, like when it’s rotated 90 degrees, it will ask you. It’s important that the prompt includes the new map picture, so you can decide if it screwed up or to save it.

Also, a undo/rollback the map would be great! Thanks!

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I had a couple particular rooms which caused frequent map rotations and it started to happen almost every time. I noticed if I start the vacuum someplace different it would have better luck.

So for the rooms in question I just split them in half, that solved the issue for me.

WRV Firmware: Beta 1.6.173

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I feel like they dont care. I have had my vac for over a year now and the software is exactly as it was day one. They make a good product but have horrible customer service and software engineers.

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Wyze Robot Vacuum V2 Ideas

I’ve had my vacuum for a couple of months. The features are good however I’m surprised at how unstable the mapping is and the robots response to that Instability. Twice it has lost its map (even though it has the map stored it just won’t recognise it) and the response is to just start cleaning the whole house. Which is exactly what I don’t want. Why why why does it default to “[Mod Edit] I’ll clean everything”?

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I have found that if the charging station is not lined up perfectly with the wall that it was against when the floor was first mapped the vacuum
won’t recognize the map. When we had carpet in our house I put Velcro on the bottom to keep it in place. Now with hardwood floors I put some sticky stuff on the bottom to keep it in place. Just a suggestion. Hope it helps.
