Wyze - Please remove or relocate the "Unlock AI Video Search" advertisement from the Events page

At the top of the Events page, Wyze added an “Unlock AI Video Search” advertisement at the top of the Events page. This advertisement makes viewing Events videos a problem and takes up valuable viewing real estate on the Events page. Please remove this huge advertisement, make it much smaller, or move it somewhere else.

I saw that before but not anymore. It really isn’t an ad. I think if you do unlock it, it goes away. It doesn’t cost anything.

Are you paying for Cam Unlimited Pro?
I am paying for the annual Cam Plus, and get this ad when I click on the Unlock AI Video Search.

I have Cam Unlimited, not the pro. Not sure if it’s free for the unlimited, but I did click on it during the trial period, when it was supposedly free. I used the video search once, never used it again.