Wyze Lock Gateway setup not connecting to WiFi

Unfortunately I now have a unusable Wyze Lock. This is the third or fourth time my Gateway lost WiFi connection. This time, it no longer connects to WiFi. All other devices and Wyze products still work. However, since it’s April 2023 and I purchased in Feb 2022 support side they cannot replace it.

Very disappointing for a $130 product to last 14 months and then become trash. This makes me question the reliability of all Wyze products

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I had similar issues a few months back. All my wyze items run on their own IOT ssid. I had security setup to use wpa 2/wpa 3. When I switched that to wpa 2 only my lock hub connected again after many months of frustration. Not sure why it didn’t affect the other wyze items but might be worth a look.

Complain (nicely) more. The gateway for my lock failed a couple of years after purchase an, after escalating my complaint, they finally replaced it.

What I really don’t understand is why is this component is not something that can be purchased, through parts for some nominal cost, as it seems to be the week link in the chain.

UPDATE: Even after seller removed the device and also deleted his entire Wyze account, the gateway never worked. I am guessing it permanently got locked to the first account it was activated on. Ebay gave me a full refund. I won’t buy USED Wyze product anymore. Not worth the hassle.

Damn, I didn’t try to escalate, I ended up buying another full lock! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Thank you, @TechnoMonk. I was finally able to solve the issue with the Wyze gateway not connecting to Wi-Fi.

So, I switched to my wife’s iPhone and used the Wyze App. Finally, I received a useful error message: “Device is already paired with another account. Please contact support for help.”

The app developer didn’t include this message on the android version of the app.

I logged in the original owner of the gateway and lock, and removed the devices from the account. After that, I was able to successfully connect the gateway to the Wi-Fi using my own account."

@UserCustomerGwen @WyzeJasonJ is there a fix for the gateway not connecting to wifi and showing all zeros for the serial? What about error codes, via the blinking green light? It appears to be 1 long, 6 short, 4 short. I’ve slowed the video down by 1/2 to count the flashes. I have another video where it is 1 long, 8 short, 4 short.

My gateway has been working since Nov 2020. I changed the batteries in the lock and it never connected again.

The lock and the keypad still work, but i cannot connect to the lock since the gateway is flashing.


I am sorry this is happening, I have not seen this issue before. Have you contacted support about it yet. If so can I have the ticket number, if not I would recommend contacting them.

Yea, i have the support log and a chat transcript. After following a basic tech support script, they gave up and went the warranty is expired route and left me with no answers.

[Wyze Ticket 3630048] Re: Conversation with Rich

Log ID 1298224

What about the 1,6,4 and 1,8,4 codes? They have to mean something.

I am still asking about that.

Hi, I’m having exactly the same issue

I’ve tried to setup using android and apple ios but i didn’t have any success. I’m the only owner, I’ve also re-installed and deleted all the cache of my app.

My gut feel is that some setting is still stored in their database and needs to be cleared.

I am having the same issue. The gateway worked for probably about a year and then one day the light started flashing and never reconnected to the internet. I tried most of the recommendations in this forum and spent over an hour on the phone with Wyze support. The final answer they gave me was the product was out of warranty and I would have to purchase an entirely new unit. I tried escalating but they were not willing to send another gateway. I think I will be moving on to another smart lock company. It’s not worth spending over a $100 for a product that lasts just a little longer than the warranty.

I have just started to experience the same problem. Not sure what’s going on. It happened not long after I started using a WiFi extender on my network. It feels like the code on the gateway became corrupted and there is NO way to factory reset it? My sn shows as mostly 0’s. Well if I was a super techy programmer type I know sure it can be figured out. But I’m sure no techy folks will figure it out and post share since it’s a security device and they probably don’t want to get sued? Either way, I have had mine for a few years so I know it’s out of warranty and from reading the hundreds of complaints about no solution and no support (not even offering a replacement gateway to buy?? C’mon, get it together Wyze.

Well I’m done with Wyze. A lock should last more than a couple years. It proves their support products are poor quality and they have poor customer support. I’m searching for a reliable lock that will last and won’t mind paying a bit more for it :wave: