A few days ago I’ve finished installing my new Wyze Home Monitoring. It’s obviously a big step forward compared with the previous “sensors set”. But still big room for improvement, some of the missing features are almost a must-have.
Does anyone know how to pair v3 cams in order to trigger their sirens once the main siren starts? In my case, only the siren from the Sense Hub is working once an alarm is triggered.
Besides this, other features that maybe I’ve missed and I like to have:
- Multi-user support for PIN code
- Different level of volume for hub’s siren between alarm sound and exit/entry delay sound. I live in an apartment and with the actual volume, all my close neighbours are knowing when we are leaving or coming home.
- Portable Fob with basic function: ARM/DISARM/PANIC… very useful for grandparents
- Panic button what will activate only local sirens, not involving Noonlight service