Wyze has gone down hill

None of my cameras seem to work properly anymore. One of my cameras show the last event was at 8am today, yet I was outside multiple times throughout the afternoon and evening. Notifications sound 2 minutes after motion. And I have tried every possible setting adjustment to receive event recordings and notifications for pet detection and I get literally nothing! It’s infuriating. I realize this is a fairly inexpensive product, but really what’s the poing in having it?

I have 27 Wyze cams in use as security cams, 16 are V3 Cams. I haven’t seen any deterioration in performance. Just today I received notifications on several V3 cams of a visitor to my house and the notification was so quick the Event was still in the process of uploading and took me directly to the Live Stream Recording in progress.

Did you recently update the firmware? Have you power cycled them recently?

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Do you have friends at Wyze?

I have friends many places. But, I don’t work for Wyze nor do I hold my tongue when they deserve to hear about something that isn’t working. Right now, that isn’t the case. All my cams are working as expected.

Do you have friends at Wyze?

I have no connection to Wyze other than owning their products.

8 WOC and 2 base stations
Video doorbell (the original)
Robot vac
1 telephoto OG camera
2 regular OG cameras
2 outdoor sockets
16 v3 cameras (10 are exposed to Midwest US temps -2F to 102F)
Air purifier
2 lamps
8 plugs (in a drawer because I switched to Tuya under Hubitat Elevatiion)

I also own the handheld vacuum that unfortunately doesn’t have much suction. It is in the aforementioned drawer.
Also in the drawer are a handful of spotlights for the v3 that are temperamental.
I had the Wyze car but sold it because it was slow and had poor range.

You will rarely find me bashing Wyze because 95% of the Wyze products I own perform as advertised (there might be some issues that I don’t have because I don’t use them)

The key is having a solid internet connection.

As an analogy, imagine buying a car, but you can’t get anywhere fast because the roads are all mud. Is that the fault of the car?

Too many users here are running the router supplied by their ISP. These are junk. They do just what they were designed for. When an ISP places a bid for x number of routers, if they can buy one that is 15 cents less than a competing model, multiplied by 100000 that is a lot of money. They get as cheap as they can to do the job. Add in lots of IOT devices, and the poor router gets confused.

Wyze gets blamed for the router issues that are beyond their control.


I mean, Wyze Support is blaming my router for connection issues when my brand new, just out of the box Battery Cam Pro is sitting 2 feet from my router. I have a half dozen other Wyze devices in the house that all work fine.

So while your experience is true, Wyze ALSO blames a lot of things on connection issues that are actually caused by their own iffy software/firmware.