Hey everyone! Mary from Wyze Support here!
We have updated our community guidelines for the forum (Found here)
Please review them, we strive to make an inclusive and amazing community with all of you here!
All of us play an important part in the Wyze Community. If you see something that you think may violate our guidelines, please help us by sending an email to jtang@wyzecam.com or support@wyzecam.com. We have a very small team that reviews these reports and work as quickly as possible to remove content that doesn’t meet our guidelines. Please provide us with links or screenshots. We may remove or close entire topics if needed. You may find content you don’t like but doesn’t violate the Wyze Community Guidelines. If that happens, do also flag and highlight this to us so we can review it. We need your help to make the community a better place.Please feel free to email support@wyzecam.com with "Forum Help - StreetWyze" or "Forum Help - Mary" to bring any issues to my attention more quickly, or if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you everyone, we appreciate your help and your support!