I am in the process of installing the doorbell, but I noticed that there is no obvious way to remove the unit once it is installed. The release clips are on the backside of the base plate. The base plate is designed to be screwed into the wall, and then the camera clipped into that. Am I missing something?
What you will do is “press upward on the unit” not very hard… while keeping pressure on the unit against the frame of the door… you are NOT trying to pry it off the door… You ARE simply sliding it upwards a tick… it will break free upwards and then you can pull it away from the frame of the door. REMEMBER, your wires are still attached, don’t pull.
So upward and then outward. Don’t do it hard.
There is a clip that locks into place when you first install the unit. That clip will not release the unit to be pulled up without access to the back on mine. Does your have that retaining clip as well?
I’m still waiting for mine but, from what I understand from the forum is that you push up and everyone said it feels like it is going to break but it doesn’t it comes of. Don’t know if that helps.
I appreciate the feedback. I have tried removing mine and I don’t see how it will come off without breaking the clip. It won’t budge and I am pulling up pretty hard.
I am able to slide mine up, it does feel like you will break it but it wont. The way i do it is by placing my thumbs on the mount from the top and putting my index fingers under the doorbell and pushing it straight up. Do not come away from the mount, just straight up.
Once it is on the latch holds it in place. Pushing up does no good because you have to pry the latch out and then slide up, you can’t do that once installed. Wyze, what is the correct way to remove the doorbell without breaking the back plate?
What has been described is the correct way. The latch does hold it but it will come off when sliding up.
Prior to install I was having the same issue, it wouldn’t budge. I shaved just a hair of the plastic off the latch at an angle and now will release with a steady force.
I pasted the solution from the Wyze Doorbell FAQ. It works as everyone here is describing. I have done it.
One note, I was messing around with it before I installed it and locked the base to the Doorbell before I mounted it. You have to very very carefully pry the little tab up just a little bit to slide the base back off. Once it is screwed in (mounted) follow the process below.
if you’ve installed your new doorbell and want to remove it, follow the steps below.
To remove our Wyze Video Doorbell:
Before starting, turn off the power to your doorbell. At your electrical panel, switch off the circuit breaker for your doorbell.
- At your doorbell, press hard inwards and up. This will unlock the doorbell from the wall plate or wedge.
- Work backwards using the Installation Guide.
- Remove the wire caps, disconnect the wires, and remove the wall plate or wedge.
Important: Do not switch on power at the circuit breaker until you have wired and installed new doorbell.
Just a home handyman thought…
I have yet to receive mine, and my comment only comes from other experiences… could be a chance that when installing the mounting plate the screws were over tightened causing the mounting plate to bow a little making the removal more challenging?
In my case that wasn’t the issue, the little tab that holds it in place just wouldn’t let go. The locking tab was designed so somebody doesn’t just easily pop the camera off the base and run away with it. That being the case, the tab just being a little off makes it very difficult to pop off. Also, if your base has a less than solid attachment to the wall you’ll risk pulling your base from the wall, push straight up and don’t pull out.
I confirm what Jason21271 has said. It requires a bit of force, but it will come/slide off. Just push up …
I did it myself, so I know it works. Had to move mine doorbell to a different location.
Hi Tcott69…I did the same thing, just received it and was trying to figure out the parts and put the doorbell up against the wall plate and boom! it clicked and now I can’t get it off. I haven’t even had a chance to install! I’ve tried pressing really hard and up, but it won’t budge…I feel like I have all the pieces but can’t use it now. I understand that they don’t want someone to access it after you’ve installed, but I can’t even get enough leverage to press the doorbell into the wall plate and push up to get the wall plate off. I’ve even had other people try and I still can’t get it off.
Attach the wedge to the back piece so you have something more to hold on to when lifting up. You could also use the knife trick and slide it between the doorbell and backpiece to disengage the latchy thing.
Thank you…I did use a thin knife and was able to remove it from the wall plate…now I can try to install it!
Pushing up and in slowly worked for me. I also gave it a little twisting pressure and it popped right off.
THANK YOU!!! Using the wedge to push the mounting plate worked!
I had the same issue… as @sherlockmom42 said, a thin object down the back worked best for me. I used a paperclip and it worked great.
Can please clarify that? I originally installed the Wyze Doorbell WITH the wedge. Now I need to remove it to press the re-set button:
So far I have had no lock pushing the DoorBell upwards.
Should I be pushing the Wedge up instead?
In other words, should I be trying to remove the DoorBell from the Wedge -or- should I be trying to remove the Wedge AND the DoorBell from the wall.
Should I be pushing the Wedge up with the DoorBell attached to it, or am I trying to remove the DoorBell FROM the Wedge?