Welcome to the Wyze User Community Forum @fourthof7sons! 
You already referenced the Granted Wishlist topic for the VOIP call to the phone, which the Doorbells currently do, so I edited my post since this specific topic is asking additionally for the Video Call to show a Thumbnail Image of the Doorbell Video on the incoming call. Sorry for the confusion.
However, with regard to your second feature request:
The request to have individual unique notification tones for each separate Wyze device, like the doorbell(s), is actually a separate Wishlist request: Individual Camera, Sense, Doorbell, AI detection type, etc. Alert Notification Sound and/or Color that is currently in a ‘Maybe Later’ status.
But, since you are an Android user, you can get that functionality today by using a third party app such as MacroDroid, Tasker, BuzzKill, or FilterBox. I use MacroDroid. I have a unique notification sound for every different Wyze device I have installed as well as a different second tone for Person, Pet, Vehicle, and Package. Customization is incredibly detailed and only limited by the number of tones you download. I posted the How To here: Share MacroDroid Macros for Wyze IoT - #38 by SlabSlayer.