Wyze Color Bulb Issues

My Wyze Color Bulb keeps flickering and switches out of current color state to a low white/yellow light color. I’ve reset it, changed wi-fi, changing lamps, plugs, etc. a lot, and it’s still not working. Need help! Thank you in advanced.

Welcome to the Forum, @luaP13! :wave:

One of mine does something similar, only when I set it to certain colors (certain “white” temperatures, for instance), it doesn’t match the other two bulbs in the same fixture and tends to have more of a greenish or bluish hue than the others. I don’t know what the LED construction/layout is on the board beneath the plastic diffuser dome, but I suspect some component there is failing or has failed.

If your Bulb Color is less than a year since purchase and you bought directly from Wyze or an authorized retailer, then I’d consider contacting Wyze for a warranty replacement.


Thank you! Thought I’d try here first before maybe trying Wyze customer service. Interesting… Yeah, I think my bulb is having connectivity issues. It will appear offline when checking my Wyze App. One or two days my bulb will be fine, then it acts up again. I got my Color Bulb as a gift in Christmas 2022, so unfortunately, I’m out of warranty.

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Wyze said I had a 3-year warranty on my white bulbs. Maybe they can do the same for color bulbs.


Well, hello!

Wyze warrants to the original owner of a Wyze Bulb product (which includes the Wyze Bulb White and Wyze Bulb Color products, but excludes light bulbs that are components of other Products) that their Wyze Bulb will be free from defects in materials and workmanship, and is guaranteed to last, for three (3) years based on up to three (3) hours usage per day from the date you purchased your Wyze Bulb from Wyze or an authorized retailer (the “Wyze Bulb Warranty Period”).

Thanks for chiming in, @ssummerlin! I was thinking it was 1 year for everything. Now I should contact Wyze about my one Bulb Color that’s on the fritz, because I bought these only last year from Amazon, which is an authorized retailer.

@luaP13, if you can track down the source of the Bulb (original purchase), I wonder if you could still get a replacement, since you’re inside 3 years. In my experience, Wyze has been pretty easy to deal with for warranty replacements as long as you can supply the information they request (order number if purchased directly from Wyze or screenshot of proof of purchase, MAC address from Device Info screen, shipping/contact information, etc.). If you open a ticket with Support, they should be able to let you know what information they require.


Ah ok. I’ve been looking into that.

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That’s a good idea. I will try that soon.

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Gotta have your Vikings purple, eh? :wink:

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Yup! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hi there!

Days After Update!:
I’ve connected with Wyze Support as I’m typing this. They’re very helpful! Working towards a resolution. Keep you posted.


Thanks for takin’ the time to provide an update!

I also contacted Support, described the issue in my first detailed reply (the initial ticket creation facility that’s currently available doesn’t allow for much detail, so I wait until the system e-mails me and then I reply there so I can add more detail to the case and describe the issue at length), included information that I already knew they were going to request if they offered a warranty replacement, and they got back to me very quickly offering a replacement (I didn’t even ask for one yet!). :smiley_cat:

Thanks again to @ssummerlin for cluing me in to the 3-year warranty on light bulbs! I really dig how cooperative this community can be with information sharing and problem solving. :+1:


Hello again to @Crease and @ssummerlin! Wyze is sending me a replacement bulb since I qualified. Thank you again to you both for the help! Much appreciated.

P.S. Congrats @Crease on the replacement bulb!


Right on! I appreciate the update and the :white_check_mark: and totally wish I could give @ssummerlin the dime.[1]

I’m glad it worked out for you. Thanks again for takin’ the time to post follow-up! I really enjoy reading success stories, even if they’re from a Vikings fan.[2]

  1. I’m not actually cool enough to be able to say this, it’s just something I’ve learned as slang for an “assist” as I’ve watched :basketball:. ↩︎

  2. I don’t actually keep up with the NFL, but if I did then I’d probably have to support the Chiefs. ↩︎

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That is great news. Enjoy.


:grinning: :wink:

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I’ve been busy for a few days and hadn’t gotten back to them, so yesterday they sent me a reminder on the ticket and I provided the requested information and screenshots, and today I see e-mails about the replacement order being processed for me, too. :+1:

Gotsta have :red_circle: & :large_blue_circle: for my Jayhawks :basketball:!


Awesome! Congrats!



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Hi there again! Another update incoming… I received my replacement bulb while I was attending last night’s Vikings game (which they beat the Colts 13 to 21)! Didn’t have time to set it up after getting home late last night, but I made time this morning. It’s working well for now! I was having some trouble updating the firmware since the bulb was saying there was no internet. I figured it out without going to Wyze chat support or asking the forum. Yay! Anyway, have a great week!


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