Wyze Car no longer usable?

Can this no longer be used? I do not see it in the latest version of the app. Was hoping to have some fun with it. Sorry about the odd tagging. I could not find anything to use for this…

The Wyze car has its own app.

Is that the app you are using?


Was just using the Wyze app. I must have missing the info about its own app. Thanks for the info.

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Yep, download the wyze car app. I use mine fairly often!

One caveat: don’t close the app while connected and seeing the video. Go back to the main screen before closing the app. If I just close the app while still showing the camera, the next time I try to view the camera it won’t connect. If this does happen, just uninstall and reinstall the app and sign in again (or go into the app settings where you can clear storage and cache). You’ll have to log back in again, but the camera will work again.


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