Wyze cams on Home assistant devices

I can view the wyze cams on my dedicated home devices, i.e. google. but my lenovo home assistant devices still say camera feed not available. Anyone know if there is a fix for this?

I think you’re going to have to be a lot more detailed before anyone can offer advice. From a quick search it appears that Lenovo decided to call their Alexa compatible speakers “Home Assistant” - bad idea as it conflicts with the project name.

If it is just Alexa (I guess) than any integration is dependent on your Amazon account and Alexa app (and linked Wyze Skill). Wyze stuff works great with Alexa and you shouldn’t have a problem.

Hiya, it’s a Lenovo 8inch display with Google home. I have unlinked and relinked all accounts. The cams play nice on the dedicated Google home displays, just not on the Lenovo ones.

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Oh okay, then sorry I won’t be of any help. I hope someone else can assist.