Wyze Camera Feedback and Idea

Has Wyze ever thought about pairing up with major city municipalities like Chicago, Los Angeles, or New York City and working with their law enforcement divisions to sponsor and maybe subsidize a program to offer businesses within the metropolitan cities Wyze cameras?

All too often I see the news or law enforcement press releases with images of security footage that looks like it is from 1998 on a VGA flip phone. Suspects are pixelated, you can’t make out any supporting details because the cameras are outdated and old.

If Wyze had a partnership with major law enforcement agencies across the country they could sponsor an educational campaign which urges business owners to upgrade the security in their places of business with Wyze cameras suite of products. In return, if crime were to happen, the images and video collected would be clear and accurate.

This could be a major corporate win for Wyze and open up a new line of business within the company which would involve sales directly to metro cities or law enforcement agencies. Please pass the idea up the ladder.


Wyze cameras are far too unreliable.

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Welcome to the Wyze User Community Forum @Jay9! :raising_hand_man:

If this notion were to be considered at Wyze, I would scrap every cam I have and invest in a local, server based NAS system. When government agencies partner with private security monitoring providers, the hidden strings attached begin to blur the lines between public and private content privacy.

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