Wyze Cam3 with Synology

hello all,

i bought a Wyze Cam3 and wanted to know if anyone has found a work around to have it connect to their synology like the Cam2 can do. i do not have Cam2 and bought the Came3 because same price but better imaging and more options. if anyone has any idea please let me know.

Many are waiting for RTSP on the V3, which Wyze has said will be available “SOMETIME” in the future. You might be able kludge something together using TinyCam Pro and then feed from it to your Synology device.

Yep. Waiting for RTSP for my eight V3 cameras…

I guess this never happened :frowning:

Not yet. Still promised…

I purchased Cam3 with exclusive interest in RTSP - to use with Synology Surveillance. If it doesn’t do that, I will send back.
I have no interest in Wyze software.