Wyze Cam (WYZECP1) will not power on

Well, I came here for support, saw a message that said support was open 5AM-7PM or something and I could chat live with an agent, and am now stuck in this forum. I’m sure I screwed something up but this is the only place I see where I can ask a question.

Long story short - I plug in this camera, and nothing happens. It used to work, and it stopped. Any ideas?



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Support is also available by phone:+1-844-999-3226

  • Does the indicator light flash when you plug the camera in?
  • Are you using the supplied power cord and wall adapter?
  • Is your outlet working correctly?
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No indicator light is showing on the device.
Yes - I’m using the supplied power adapter and cable.
Yes - I’ve confirmed the outlet is operational.
Model: WYZECP1
MAC: A4DA22366BC0


I had that happen to one of my cameras. Replaced it with a spare. Called Wyze and they sent out a new camera. No problem. Great customer service.

@Priusron is right, I’d contact customer support and get a replacement.