Wyze Cam v4 - Released 3/26/2024

I’m well aware of your criticism of Wyze, and that’s one of the things I appreciate about your commentary. I criticize them, too, especially in areas where I think (hope) that criticism could lead to improvement, and I still enjoy using their products and trying to help others do so when I can. Despite some product issues and the company’s apparent focus being different than what I would choose, I still think they represent a good value for a lot of applications.

A Wyze Team member sort of answered that in another topic, but reading through that thread again I felt like I still didn’t have a explicit answers to my direct questions. (I find his marketing e-mail messages—what he’s actually paid to do—much better written than his responses on the Forum, which seem rather terse and seem incomplete to me…but I also have a tendency to be verbose, because I do try to be precise and explicit.)

This is a low-priority question. Absolutely your family and other commitments are much more important. Push comes to shove, I might just order a couple, do my own testing, and report back on my own results here. For what I have in mind, I could just get a couple of Cam OGs, and that’s what I was contemplating before, but at present the Cam v4s are roughly the same price, so…. :man_shrugging:

(See? Wyze value! :upside_down_face:)