Wyze Cam v4 Ideas

Camera with high resolution to be able to zoom in to see faces

For upcoming new products, will you make cameras with higher resolution that I can zoom in to see a person face? All your cameras not including V3 are blurry when I zoom in closeup and I could not see a person’s face.

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13 posts were merged into an existing topic: Next-gen Wyze Cam (v5) Ideas

That is not a challenge.

Upload 720 to the cloud.

Store all 4k local to the camera.

Have 32 GB in the cameras from the factory.

Support 256 GB chips, or what ever is available at the time.

Support local server/computer storage. Just save the videos to the network.

~13Mb/s is what I see when streaming 4K HDR content.

I would be a buyer at $60 ~$80 each.

I can buy a 4k 4 cameras + 1080HD 2 wifi cameras, 1 TB security dvr system today for $400, brand new.


I have 50 and 5. :no_mouth:


eventually as they grow it could be possible :grin:


Well that is no doubt :slight_smile:. Not sure the SD cards can handle that amount of Read Write. Maybe that’s their plan after introducing the NAS.

lol the sd card specs are already picky without the high bandwidth reqs :joy:

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First world problems. :slight_smile:

What the hell are you talking about? Having your wing mirrors smashed is a genuine and expensive issue. I live in the ******** a-hole of the UK. Most people buying Wyze cameras probably live in the first world.

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Even with the 1080p Wyze cameras, the actual issue is the limited bit rate.

So I encourage you guys to vote on this Higher Bit Rate wishlist request:


1080p normally needs a bit rate of about 4000 kb/s for good quality video resolution but i notice on the Wyze cam, its bit rate maxes out around 125 kb/s. So the video we get on the Wyze cam, as some of you already know, is very compressed compared to actual 1080p security videos. On the phone, you don’t really notice it because of the screen size. It’s more noticeable on an iPad or on your PC when you playback your Wyze video clips. So even if Wyze releases a 4K camera, this problem with limited bit rate will still greatly reduce resolution quality due to high compression.

Anybody interested should also vote on this wishlist request:


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I would pay 2x or greater for a new cam with 2k resolution and slightly higher frame rate so faces wouldn’t become so distorted. Better resolution would help with the digital zoom. 4K would take too much bandwidth and is unnecessary.


27 posts were merged into an existing topic: Next-gen Wyze Cam (v5) Ideas

Wyze maybe you can make clearer video footage? Also it gets less clear as you zoom in. Please fix this!! Thanks

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Wyze please make clearer night vision for the cameras.

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Sorry about that last email but correction got me. I meant 1080p and also it should have said Wyze cam not size cam.
Wake up people it is not 1080p capture at 30 frames a second.

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you should work for Wyze!!

ye, but why would you need anyone’s license plate? LOL
Wake up Wyze!!

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Because of a hit and run

Ye. I was being sarcastic.

Lol got it didn’t finish reading the second part of your sentence.