Wyze cam v3 sends double notifitcations

If you only had my page, you might be bored. And if I was required to have your pages, I’d be overwhelmed. The range of customer preferences and capacities here is wide.

Yet, most of us would prefer not to receive duplicate notifications. And we cooperate toward achieving that end.

Comity. :people_hugging:


I’m trying to think of a conclusion one could reasonably draw about the state of this issue at the moment.

Is Wyze working on things behind the scenes, updating:

  • app modules that change behavior on-the-fly without a full app version update?
  • server and/or notification service interactions that may change performance incrementally?

Which is why for me the problem has ‘healed itself’ (apparently) while others still suffer it, and Seapup, Slab and maybe others experience odd anomalies in settings?

Hopefully someone from wyze sees this post and can notify the proper people.

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If you want Wyze to see it, it needs to be posted in the threads they watch and review.

First would be the thread they post for the App Release. As it happens, there was an app update released today that may address this issue. If not, a post there describing the issue, with an app log, will be seen by Wyze.

Next, if it is an issue that persists, posting the problem in the Fix it Friday thread, opened on the first Friday of each month, will be reviewed by Wyze.

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Omg, same and it driving me absolutely nuts!!! It has given me such anxiety lately that I just made the notifications silent & now I’m scared I may miss something important. I turned on “person notifications” in the Alexa app, so at least Alexa tells me if there are rando’s wandering around in my yard. It would be so awesome if my camera would actually recognize PEOPLE, rather than just send me “vehicle” notifications, even thought it’s a whole @$$ human standing there & not a car. Yikes! I feel like there is something always going haywire with these cameras or the app. I’m kinda really sick of it.

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My V3s have always done that but specifically with sound events, not with motion events.

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newest app update has not fixed the double notification sound issue lol. maybe the next one

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Same. Everything is up to date and still happening.

By the way, I did submit a log to Wyze maybe 1 week ago and havent heard back since.

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I hesitate to admit this but my Wyze 2 camera and app are terribly out of date and yet, I, too, am getting double notifications for three days now. The notifications are for the separate motion detector thingie (v1), not the camera.

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Thankfully I am no longer receiving double notifications. Anyone else fixed?

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All still well here since:

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