Wyze Cam v3 Pro, Wyze Cam v3, and Wyze Cam Pan v2 Beta - 7/8/2024

i am good now thank you

CamPlus Unlimited.

So do I.

That didn’t help.

What’s weird is also my v4 doesn’t send notifications. I think this has happened before and it resolved on its own. Maybe something is going on Wyze’s side, servers or something.

Thanks for your help.

Could be iOS specific then. :thinking:

Yes to subscription unlimited. Cleared cache. Logged out. Back in. Still zoom not working

The zoom on Wyze Cam v3 is due to an issue in the latest Wyze app beta, it will be fixed in the next beta release.


Could be, but if it is firmware specific why it affects the v4?

I’ll let it simmer for a bit and hopefully it will resolve by itself.

EDIT: Problem solved. It turns out it is iOS specific but has nothing to do with the firmware update. It is the beta app.

When Wyze released the early release of the beta 2 it installed a second instance of the app on iOS. When they officially released the beta 2 on TestFlight, TestFlight didn’t overwrite the pre-release but it overwrote the production version or in my instance the beta 1. So I had two versions of the beat on my phone. The other day I deleted the second and older version as I didn’t have use for it anymore. I think this when I lost my notifications.

The solution was to delete the app and download a fresh copy from the App Store. Instantly the notifications came back, Then I replaced the production version with the beta and everything is hunky dory again.

I have a feeling that other iOS beta users might face the same issue, so here it is, don’t pull your hear out :slight_smile:

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How often do they do the beta updates

I’ve only had my cameras on this firmware for about 15 minutes, but anecdotally, with this and the latest non-beta Wyze app on iOS, connection times to my cameras are near-instant while on the same WiFi network. The connection times while on 3 bars of 5G cellular are maybe 100ms slower, but still very good.

True, the new beta app pulls the cameras much slower than production version.

Well, I sat back, watched, and waited….
After reports of this beta seeming to do good for others, and only the beta app being an issue, I took my old phone and took the plunge.
I went back to the beta program on that phone so I could do my v3 and v3pro firmware updates with the promise that they connected much faster on the production app (my main phone) and on the WebView.

I am tempted to say “It’s about time!”… but I won’t… :blush:
The cams DO connect SO MUCH quicker in the production app and on WebView!!!
And they freakin STAY connected and streaming!

Before this beta, they took a while to connect, and would just freeze randomly.

With WebView now, they are not perfect, but they are 247% better than they were!

(One gripe: I have 27 devices on WebView. As I scroll back to the top of the page, all the feeds say “Web Connection Failed – Reconnect or Submit a Log”)
I suspect this is a bandwidth saving “feature”, as “why continue to keep streaming footage that is not visible on the screen?”, and they reconnect pretty fast, but it still bugs my eyes and brain.
I would suggest, if possible, have it show a pause icon as you scroll back up to it, then it “un-pauses”, instead of a failed message. That would give a less buggy feeling to the site.

I have one v2, one v1 pan, one v1 doorbell, and three floodlight Pros that I really hope will get these updates to address the same issues, as they still freeze or disconnect from WebView.

Another thing that is better is the sound to video sync.

Sound is now very close to real time, about ½ a second from a handclap to it coming through the phone round trip.
And it is ahead of the video.
It had been about 3 seconds or more behind the video.

Congrats on this update, and thank you!

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I like your suggestion for having it say unpause instead of failed. :slight_smile:

I think it does for for a combination of the reasons you listed, as well as the fact that browsers are actually designed to suspend background processes (including video) that is not in the current active viewing area), so it could be the browser suspending things sometimes too. Either way, unpause FEELS less annoying than “CONNECTION FAILED.” I like that suggestion.

I didn’t even think about it may be the browser itself doing the disconnection.
Wonder if there is a setting that could be changed to keep them all open.

I am pretty stubborn and am using Edge, even though the site says they suggest Chrome.

I compare the two as I was typing this.

One thing I notice with Chrome vs. Edge:

Looking at the spotlight pro that can see my heat pump compressor outside.

It seems that Chrome has a much better frame rate than Edge, at least the fan turns about twice as fast in Chrome than it seems to turn in Edge.

And I think reaction to sound in the hand clap test is even about twice as fast and Edge., but still not synced to video. It is a little ahead.

I then checked Firefox:

Firefox has a much more abysmal connection experience, each cam taking a long time to connect, then lots disconnected, and retried.

But I noticed that the latency between movement and the cam that is watching me type seems more real time.

Then I did the clap test, and lo and behold, the sound and video were properly synced!

Then I scrolled down to more cams, horrible opening times, and went back to the came for the clap test again, and it was all out of whack.

Came back to type more here, then went back to that cam, and now it is synced up properly again.

About 200 ms of latency from actual movement and sound synced properly, out to the servers, and back to the laptop that is on wireless.
Not bad.
Just takes Firefox a bit to settle in.

Scrolling down, there were a few that were not connected, and it doesn’t seen to automatically reconnect.
And it really doesn’t like my v2 cam, or pan cam 1.
But once all the others are connected, coming back from email or a different browser, or scrolling up and down through the cams, they all seem to stay connected and streaming.

No “Web Connection Failed, reconnect or send log messages, just streaming clocks going well. Very little lag time. (Frame rate not as good as Chrome though, the fan is still slow in Firefox.)
And then I go back again, and several are disconnected…. And they don’t automatically reconnect.

So that is kind of a live train of thought of my experience with Firefox.
My best like of it, is sound and video are synced.

I went back to test Chrome again, and all heck just broke loose.

Sound before the video, then freezing started, then sound after video, then a lot more freezing…
Also much more latency between movement and actual seeing it on the screen.

Edge was now the same, starting to freeze up on me a lot, even if going into full screen with just the one cam.

On both Edge and Chrome, I went into flags and tried turning off hardware acceleration on the video, but it did not change both of them being much slower on the video, and sound still not syncing.

So even though Firefox is slower to connect, I find it more enjoyable to watch and listen.

Firefox is now freezing and sound is going slower than the video!!!

What the effing heck!??!

Such is my life!!!
I think I get a handle on things and then this!!!

Well, I hope there is something in this ramble the developers can use…

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With the Web Live being fixed couple days ago, I would like to update that Google and Alexa connectivity are now working again with this latest beta for my V3 cameras.

Still no zoom function on beta app.

I think that’s mainly an beta app issue. Wyze app 3.0 RC was just released and mentioned that zoom was fixed on Android here.

I haven’t had a chance to test it as I went back to stable Android app I’m having a better experience with the 2.5 app in general as I feel like it is more snappier compared to 3.0.