Wyze Cam v1 and Wyze Cam Pan firmware released

It is a bit on the techie side. Here’s a breakdown of what’s required in step 2:

  1. Here are the links directly to the .50 and .40 firmwares:


  1. When you click each of these, it should download a file ending in .zip to your computer (you need to be on a computer to do this).

  2. Expand the compressed .zip file. This is usually done by double clicking it. On some computers, it will expand automatically. The result will be a file called “demo.bin”. If that’s not the exact hame it gets (eg, sometimes it ends up demo.bin.bin), then rename it to “demo.bin”.

  3. Insert your microSD card into the computer. Copy the demo.bin file over to the top level of the SD card directory. Make sure it’s the only file/folder there. Delete any others.

  4. Eject the SD card from the computer.

  5. Continue with step 3 in the instructions.


This needs to be a “stickie” at the top of the “Ask the Community” forum until the problem goes away.

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Also note, there is an issue with the size of the SD card. My larger card wouldn’t get the blue light after holding the setup button. My 2GB card did. Fortunately I found this on another solution board, But it would be helpful to update the instructions.

What capacity is your “larger” card?

It was 64 GB

Wyze gets flaky when using cards larger than 32GB. It’s a File Allocation Table (FAT) limit.

We apologize for the firmware trouble, folks. We’re looking into the Wyze Cam Pan firmware and we’re working on a fix. If you are having trouble with motion detection after upgrading, please send us a log through Account > Help & Feedback > Report an Issue. Then please give me your support ticket number so I can give it to the dev side. We’re sorry about this and will fix it as soon as we can.


I am told there’s a fix released for the cams that have motion problems on the firmware. Look for firmware (or .55) to be offered.