How do I stop my cam pan v3 to stop to look down at itself? Once it looks down to itself, it doesn’t want to move anywhere else.
Welcome @zeydagil
Something you can try. Start the Live Stream, Select Settings (Gear at the top right), Select Advanced Settings, Select Motor Controls, then tap on Reset Position. This is supposed to reset the Pan Cam’s motor and correct some of these issues.
I like @spamoni’s suggestion, and this is something (Reset Position) you could set the camera to do periodically using a Rule of Schedule type.
If your camera is frequently tilting its view into that position, then I imagine you probably have “Track Motion” enabled (and the camera is tracking its way into that position), but I don’t know if you have any Waypoints set. I would consider checking your Waypoints and potentially setting at least one so that your camera has a “home” position to return to after it’s tracked its view into this looking-down-at-itself position.
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