Wyze Cam Pan v3 HomeBridge

Is there going to be any support for Wyze Cam Pan v3 ton Homebridge or Homekit?

There is a Wyze Homebridge project here:

I don’t use Apple, so I am unable to test to see if the Pan Cam V3 is supported, or just the original Pan Cam, but it does say something about PanCam. You could ask the dev over there.

Outside of that project, I know Wyze is waiting to see what the Matter Consortium decides related to the camera libraries. Wyze is hoping that some of their cameras will be able to work with Matter, which would also give the cameras access to Apple platforms (Homekit) too. But things haven’t been finalized with cameras through Matter yet, so everyone is still waiting on that.

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Thanks. Installed the plugin. Only provides on and off for the camera.

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Well, that’s good to know. Thanks for the followup. It certainly would be nice to have more features and functionality available.

There needs to be some movement on the Matter front so we can start using Wyze to integrate into Apple HomeKit. I have a bunch of clients that are running their systems in Homekit and the cameras I’m installing are not Wyze because they will not integrate into Apples Home. Those clients want and need to have one place to manage and see all of their products in their home. I have been a long time supporter of the Wyze Cameras from all the way back to the version 1 stuff. But I’m now moving to other platforms that will integrate into Apples Home.