Wyze cam og telephoto minimum focus distance?

Can anyone tell me the Wyze Cam OG Telephoto minimum focus distance and what kind of field of view it might have? I’m curious if it might work as a bird feeder cam or if the 3X telephoto would preclude such use. Anyone have any experiences to relate? I know about modifying focus on the V3, but just researching alternatives.

The 3x Wyze OG Telephoto has a minimum focal length of 12.9mm and a maximum of 35mm.

It has a 27° Diagonal FOV, 23.6°Horizontal FOV, and a 13.6° Vertical FOV.

Minimum focus distance was about 4 feet. I wanted to use mine for something at about 2 feet and it was way out of focus at that distance.

I did find the technical specifications, but not being a photographer or optics guy they don’t really help. Thanks anyway.

That’s what I’m looking for. How “zoomed” was the image at 4 feet? Would I see the whole bird or just a beak? :grin:

Here’s a couple photos I just shot with a OG-Tele that is sitting here on my desk.
In this photo the two radios and Kleenix box are about 2 feet from the camera. The taller radio on the right is 6.5 inches tall. You can see that the P-Touch label is well out of focus.

In this second photo, the reel of orange fiber optic jumper cable is about 4 feet from the cable. That is at least close to in focus. The green package paper to the left is about 6 feet from the camera.

In another test, I pointed at a 2 x 4 foot light fixture about 5 feet away from the camera. The horizontal view just covered the 2 foot dimension of the light fixture.


Thanks for taking the demo photos! I didn’t want to invest in the telephoto camera if it wasn’t going to perform adequately, but based on your photos it’s worth considering for my purposes. Thanks again!