Can anyone tell me the Wyze Cam OG Telephoto minimum focus distance and what kind of field of view it might have? I’m curious if it might work as a bird feeder cam or if the 3X telephoto would preclude such use. Anyone have any experiences to relate? I know about modifying focus on the V3, but just researching alternatives.
The 3x Wyze OG Telephoto has a minimum focal length of 12.9mm and a maximum of 35mm.
It has a 27° Diagonal FOV, 23.6°Horizontal FOV, and a 13.6° Vertical FOV.
Minimum focus distance was about 4 feet. I wanted to use mine for something at about 2 feet and it was way out of focus at that distance.
I did find the technical specifications, but not being a photographer or optics guy they don’t really help. Thanks anyway.
That’s what I’m looking for. How “zoomed” was the image at 4 feet? Would I see the whole bird or just a beak?
Here’s a couple photos I just shot with a OG-Tele that is sitting here on my desk.
In this photo the two radios and Kleenix box are about 2 feet from the camera. The taller radio on the right is 6.5 inches tall. You can see that the P-Touch label is well out of focus.
In this second photo, the reel of orange fiber optic jumper cable is about 4 feet from the cable. That is at least close to in focus. The green package paper to the left is about 6 feet from the camera.
In another test, I pointed at a 2 x 4 foot light fixture about 5 feet away from the camera. The horizontal view just covered the 2 foot dimension of the light fixture.
Thanks for taking the demo photos! I didn’t want to invest in the telephoto camera if it wasn’t going to perform adequately, but based on your photos it’s worth considering for my purposes. Thanks again!