Wyze Cam notification alerts do not appear on screen, just the audio notification (Android 14 Tablet)

I just purchased and set up a new Android 14 tablet. It’s working fine. I had been using an iPad for years. On my iPad, I would get a visual alert (a pop up) that informed me of a person, pet alert, etc. On this new Android tablet, I get the audio alert, but there is no visual “pop-up” alert. I have gone through the “Notifications” in “Settings”, and everything that should be turned on is turned on. Any thoughts on how I can get the visual alerts to appear? Many thanks! – Michael

Are you talking about the settings in the wyze app or the settings for your tablet?

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Thanks for the reply! I have the settings in the app and the settings in the device set to allow notifications for Wyze cameras. What I’m looking to solve is… On the iPad, every time there was a camera alert, a visual notification would appear telling me there was a person or motion at a certain camera location. There was also an audio alert (the wyze notification sound). With the new Android tablet, I do get the audio alert, but there is no visual “pop-up” alert on the screen. I liked that feature on my iPad, but I can’t seem to find a way to get the visual alerts to appear on the new Android tablet. Again, thanks for the reply!

On Android, long press the app and go to App Info, Then go to notifications and make sure it is on, next select the WyzeMessage notification underneath in Other and make sure that is toggled on, then inside that make sure you select all possible options.

Here are my settings:

If you are using Samsung and some other devices, make sure you set it so you can manage notifications from this app and not be part of the main system


Thanks – let me give that a try here…

That’s the solution!! I didn’t dig down deep enough into the Android settings to find the “Pop on” screen settings.

Thank you so much for your help! I do appreciate it.



My Pleasure. Glad it worked out for you


Glad @spamoni replied and help it get sorted out. I got stuck in a work call, didn’t mean to leave you hanging.


TL3. Impressive. :+1:


Thank you TowelKingdom. I appreciate your help!